Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Friday, July 27, 2012

We've got our Local Service cause!

Last night we had quite a productive meeting!
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our wonderful President Laurie!
  • We welcomed Ryan Vandyke-- a visitor from Davis county-- to our club.  Hope to see you at our next meeting Ryan!  :-)
  • Susan Marks gave our first ever flag presentation
  • Linda Book discussed the Dash for Donations event coming up on 7:45am Saturday, August 11th!  
    • This should be a fun way to donate to a good cause, get a little exercise, and get an opportunity to talk to each other! We can go to breakfast after if folks want to. 
    • Register by going to before August 8th, and use the dropdown menu to enter your information, and register for the 2K walk at Sugar House. Enter Team Name: Rotary Club of Millcreek. Team Captain: Linda Book. When you have completed that portion, click proceed to payment.
    • Let Judy know you're planning on attending (
Community leaders at the new Sunnyvale Welcome Center
  • Miriam Kramer discussed various local service causes that our club can pursue.  Of the options presented, our club voted on supporting the new Sunnyvale Refugee Welcome Center which is in Millcreek (it really is!!) 3940 South 764 West.  
    • The goal of this center is to help refugee families integrate in their new society, and to keep kids safe when they are out of school. 
    • Our club has a myriad of service opportunities ranging from fundraisers, offering manual labor as the center is going through renovations, putting on supply drives, mentoring, hosting community activities (similar to the one we put on in Nov. with the Bhutanese refugee community), etc. 
    • We will hear from Ellie Goldberg, the director of the new center, at our next meeting, Thursday August 2nd.  We will be prioritizing projects, setting some goals, and planning activities.  We're so excited to finally have a partner!! 
Thanks everyone!  See you next Thursday.  Can't wait to roll up the sleeves and get to work.

Friday, July 13, 2012

District Governor Jerry Summerhays visits the Millcreek Club

16 members were in attendance and one visitor. Linda Book, Mustafa Celebi, Jennie Ferguson, Pablo Fiesta, Marty Gelman, Sarah Grant, Bill Killie, Miriam Kramer Ann Nielsen, Susan Marks, Ron Stevens, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Ladd Tanner, Andrea White, Sonia Woodbury, Gina Coleman, Visitor & Sugar House Rotarian Kevin Jones (Snap Daddy BBQ Sauce guy)

Social worker, Gina Coleman, a new member, was there.

District Governor Jerry Summerhays and his wife, Cherie, were the speakers, as well as our Assistant District Governor Pat Cassady of Sandy Club. Jerry discussed the Web Based Peace Initiative and the Peace Seminar on Nov. 3, 2012. He encouraged us to pool our money for projects with other sources which would help it grow. We are already on that, as our District Grant for water projects in Peru is a team effort with four other Utah Rotary Clubs. Jerry thanked us for our contribution to The Rotary Foundation of $100 p/member.

Laurie reminded everyone about the social on July 19th at Ann's home

*Reminded about our support of Dash for Donations---Need a sign to carry and meet and walk as a group

BOARD MEETING July 12th: Ladd, Sarah, Ann, Miriam, Laurie, Jerry

Jerry encouraged us to have a Rotary Minute. Board passed proposal to have a contest at City Academy for a banner idea for the club.  Will present a $300 scholarship to winning design.  We will give them the values of our club for their ideas. Jerry will put the promotional video WHY on a stick drive for Ladd.

Discussed increasing membership.  New member Gina Coleman will be on the membership committee with Sarah Grant.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

RCMC July 5 Meeting Notes

Meeting at Cafe Madrid
Attendees:  16 attendees

  • Christine Casper, Mustafa Celebi, Ann Nielsen, Laurie Summers, Kevin Jones, Judy Zone, John Zone, Marin Gelman, Pablo Fiesta, Sarah Grant, Susan Marks, Francis Lilly, Shannon Tilly, Andrea White, Bill Kille, Margerta Vlasic

Welcome - Laurie Summers
Introduction of new members/guests - Kevin Jones visited from Sugarhouse Rotary
Meeting Time has changed - come and socialize at 5:15, meetings will start at 5:30
Discussed committees and made assignments as follows:

  • Membership Chair - Sarah Grant - members:  Susan Marks, Gina Coleman
  • PR Cair - Judy Zone - members: Frank Lilly
  • Youth Chair - Shannon Tilly - members: Pablo, Sonia, Margereat, Mustafa, Bill
  • Local service chair - Miriam Kramer - members:  Laurie, Peter
  • International Service - Ladd Tanner - members:  Darrin and Chris Casper
  • Vocational co-Chairs - Marty,  John, Andrea
  • Social Chair - Ann Nielsen - members - John, Julie


Wine to Water - mark your calendars for September 13 - details coming from Judy

Upcoming events - 

  • July 12 - Jerry Summerhays - Distric Governor will attend our meeting.  PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ATTEND THIS MEETING
  • Dash for Donations - August 12
  • Water to Wine - September 13
Sargent at Arms - happy bucks again - our members are happy and donated over $70


RCMC Meeting Minutes - June 21, 2012
4 attendees

Welcome - Laurie Summers
Business -

  • Club toast from Alexandra Rotary, Victoria, Australia
  • Think about which committee you would like to be on.
  • Membership Chair - Appointed Sarah Grant (Thanks Sarah)
  • Agreed to 3rd quarter increase of dues to $105 to accommodate extra planning meetings to get organized for our new year - statements went out July 1 - pay your dues
  • Wine to Water date changed to September 13, 6-8pm (see Judy's e-mail for details)
Upcoming events:
  • Planning Meeting - July 12 - Cafe Madrid - 5:30
  • Social - July 19 - Annie's home
Happy bucks/fines
  • Pablo's daughter graduated - paid $20
  • Laurie paid $10 in honor of her skateboarding son - National Skateboard Day

The new Rotary Club with the can-do attitude: our accomplishments in just seven months!

Rotary Club of Millcreek is a new concept club for Utah. We meet after work for our twice a month planning meetings (first and second Thursdays at 5:30pm at CafĂ© Madrid). We have no formal program, and we are affordable. Because we don’t have a meal – just appetizers – member dues are $30 a month, $90 a quarter. Each month we have a service project and a social to round out the Rotary International meeting requirement, though there is no mandatory attendance.

Even with these ‘updates’ to the standard Rotary Club formula, Millcreek Club accomplishes a lot. Rotary International categorizes the service expected from clubs in the following ways. Here is a report of what the ‘new club that could’ has made happen in the last seven months!

Community Service:
Rotary Club of Millcreek, under the direction of our resourceful Committee Chair Miriam Kramer, selected a focus on Salt Lake’s refugee community for our local service.  We had a Holiday party in December, where we went shopping with some of the Bhutanese women, paid for the food, and they cooked amazing food for us at the Columbus Center. Our club members, Salt Lake based Rotaract, and our new Interact Club at City Academy collected new or gently used clothing donations and distributed them after the event’s entertainment and lunch.

We have worked at the New Roots refugee garden and helped with citizenship lessons.

At our community service retreat in June (led so capably by member Kim Williams), club members decided to partner with at least two organizations (one of which being the Hser Ner Moo refugee Welcome Center in South Salt Lake) and to ensure a variety of service opportunities for our members.

While our Bhutanese refugee service is very hands-on, some members would like opportunities where members interact more during service. On the morning of Saturday, August 11, we are encouraging members to participate in the Fun Run/Walk for organ donation: Dash for Donation in Sugar House Park.

International Service:
Committee Chair Ladd Tanner will be participating in the Hispano-Latino Club trip to Cuba this winter. He encourages other members to participate, and several are interested. Members Miriam Kramer and Peter Ingle participated in student trips for international service this summer. Miriam traveled with Youthlinc to Guatemala, and Peter traveled with Westminster College to Thailand – twice!

Our club has submitted a District Grant to fund two water filtration systems in two small impoverished villages along the Amazon River in Peru. We are partnering with Iquitos, Peru Rotary Club and in Utah, Kaysville, Centerville/Farmington, and Heber Valley Clubs, to fund this grant.

It is often said that a person does not truly understand the power of Rotary till he or she becomes involved in the international aspects of the world’s largest non-religious, non-political service organization.

Youth Service:
As youth is the future of Rotary service, one of the first things Millcreek Club did – even before its charter was received November 16, 2011- was start an Interact  (high school) Rotary Club. Under the guidance of member Sonia Woodbury, principal and founder of charter school City Academy, an existing club was introduced to the benefits of association with Rotary: involvement with our club in local and international service projects, student exchanges internationally, sponsorship to District youth leadership events and other opportunities to do service locally and internationally.

Many of the Interactors have participated in our club service projects. Two of our Interactors participated in the District trip to Mexico. Millcreek Club members and Salt Lake based Rotaracters (college Rotarians) participated in a mentoring meeting with our high schoolers. City Academy and our Interactors will help host a student from Iquitos, Peru January-March 2012.

We have integrated Salt Lake based Rotaracters into almost all of our activities in the past seven months: our service projects, our socials and even our Chartering Dinner in January. We were one of two Rotary Clubs that helped with a successful and enlightening (for all concerned) Rotaract Speed Mentoring event.

Millcreek Club will sponsor at least three students into the Youthlinc Service Year 2012-13. These students will contribute up to 300 local service hours cumulatively, participate in monthly meetings where they are mentored to plan international service activities, and travel to developing countries next summer to serve in small impoverished villages.

Committee Chair (and new member) Shannon Tilly is excited for an active youth oriented new Rotary Year.

Vocational Service:
In addition to our Rotaract Speed Mentoring participation and our Interact mentoring, one-third of our members have volunteered to mentor Westminster College students involved in Rotaract.

This mentoring involves informal phone calls, lunches, and meetings to discuss education, career, job hunt issues – giving these young people a sounding board for their concerns regarding their professional futures in a tough economy.

Our Vocational Committee is headed by Drs Marty Gelman and John Zone, who have many plans for our club members to celebrate and recognize their professional accomplishments during this new Rotary Year. We are also grateful to the many members of our club who have made vocational service an important part of what we do.

Club Service:
Our regular socials serve to bond our club members. Many thanks to Committee Chair, Ann Nielsen, we have had a great Halloween party last October and a summer BBQ coming up July 19. John & Judy Zone hosted a Meet the Candidate night in June.

Our Chartering Dinner in January was a complete success with 88 people in attendance – all but two of our 30 Chartering members made it to the event.

11 of our members attended District Assembly in April, learning a lot about Rotary.  Most of our members are new to Rotary.

Much thanks to club President Laurie Summers-Pisani, Treasurer Ken Klingler, and Secretary Christine Casper for everything they do to keep this club on task, sending Statements, keeping financial records, taking and posting meeting minutes on our blog.

Sarah Grant serves as our Membership Chair, keeping a google doc online roster to which all members have access. Judy Zone is the club Public Relations Chair, coordinating our active blog and Facebook page, where we post meeting minutes, photos, and celebrate all of our club activities and successes.

With the help of every one of our 30 members- whose participation will keep the upfront cost of the Benefit to zero - Judy will coordinate our very first club fundraiser, destined to become a Salt Lake tradition. Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 13 6-8pm for our signature event: Wine into Water. Lawn party & light dinner fare at the home of club President Laurie Summers-Pisani, 355 Crestline Circle, Salt Lake City.

Wine into Water is a wine-tasting event to raise money this year to fund two water filtration systems along the Amazon River in Peru, giving more than 1,000 people clean water in perpetuity.

 The Benefit is a limited opportunity event: only 100 tickets are available. We are asking a $50 donation for each entrance. Grand prize: $1,000, drawn at the end of the evening. You need not be present to win, but if you don’t come, you will miss out on wines from two Utah wineries: Kiler Grove and Castle Creek. You miss out on appetizers from local restaurants and club members, and a drawing for multiple gift certificates from local businesses and a two night stay at a Kimball Junction condo.

For more information about the event, contact club President Laurie  or Judy at

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Millcreek Club welcomes three new members - with rhyming names

WELCOME NEW (rhyming) MEMBERS:  Lilly, Tilly and Kille.  Otherwise known as Frank, Shannon and Bill.  If you've been around RCMC for any time you know we like to recruit members by name theme or maybe that is just coincidence.  Perhaps I am simply being SILLY (pun intended).  But, if you have not had a chance to meet our newest members, please see their bios so you can easily start a conversation when you do meet them.
Frank Lilly
Francis Xavier Lilly grew up in the Salt Lake Valley, attended Judge Memorial Catholic High School, and went to the University of Utah -- twice! He has a BS in Urban Planning and a Master of Public Administration. Ever since he was a kid, he wanted to be involved in government and urban planning. Currently, he is the Deputy Director of Community Development and the Housing Administrator for South Salt Lake City, Utah. When he's not planning, he loves to cook, garden, read, ride his bike, keep up with politics and current events, and -- most importantly -- spend time with his family and friends. He loves to travel whenever he can, he is a proud Star Trek geek, and he still plays with Legos.

Bill Kille
Willard B. Kille, III – a native of New Jersey received a Commission in the U.S.M.C. after Graduating from the Univ of South Dakota. Completed Flight Training in 1969 at the top of his Class and was assigned to fly the Phantom F-4. My life-long love affair with aviation began on a “grass strip runway” in 1964 and my head still bends to watch any plane fly over. Has Founded several companies and currently is President and CEO of Rezults Group, Inc – a Leadership Development Coaching business. “Giving back” is a huge part of my life and currently serves as a Cub Master in the BSA, member of Millcreek Rotary Club and Past President of Sandy Rotary Club and has held many positions in the Youth Development area within Rotary, created (4) Interact Clubs. I support my wife in her International Service efforts as she has served on 35 Missions as a Nurse with Operation Smile and Rotoplast in over 18 countries on 6 Continents.
Greatest accomplishment – father to 6 children, and 5 grand-children
Hobbies – gardening, genealogy, travel, motorcycle touring

Shannon Tilly, M.D., is physician practicing obstetrics and gynecology. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington--where she grew-up. She obtained her medical degree from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in 2002 and completed her residency at the University of Utah in Obstetrics & Gynecology in 2006. Her medical interests include minimally invasive procedures such as endometrial ablations and Essure sterilizations in the office, all types of contraception, obesity, substance abuse in pregnancy and reaching out to underserved, diverse populations. Dr. Tilly and her husband’s hobbies include mountain biking, hiking, and skiing. Dr. Tilly enjoys volunteering for Intermountain Therapy Animals with her Golden Retriever, Carbon.
She speaks fluent Spanish, and is currently welcoming new patients.