Attendees: Christine Casper, Miriam Kramer, Mustafa Celebi, Ryan Van Dyke, Francis Lilly, Bill Kille, Kim Rothwell, Marlin Clark, Linda Book, Shannon Tilly, Jennie Ferguson, and Martin Gelman
Ryan Van Dyke is planning to join our Club - welcome Ryan!
Agenda Items - Facilitated by Miriam Kramer
Update on Sunnyvale Community Center Service - Barrett Bonella
- Barrett shared pictures of the space and the needs for the refugees
- Goal of the center is to improve the quality of life, educational services, family, career growth, and sustainability for the refugees living near the center
- The center services a broad background of refugees (Latinos, Somalia, Bhutan, Burma, etc) speaking over 40 languages
- Rotary Club of Millcreek will assist with:
- Fundraising and donations for construction - Barrett to provide wish list of needs
- Opening Celebration (members discussed a Halloween Party in October to educate refugees on American culture
- The Club brain-stormed other great ideas to assist. Barrett will take questions and suggestions (contact information below)
Barrett's contact information
Barrett Bonella - 80199.9451, or cell 801.706.2666
For our meeting next week, August 9, Miriam and Barrett are working on a tour of other refugee centers and going to Sunnyvale to look at the space and what they need. READ THE BLOG FOR DETAILS!
Discussed August Service - Dash for Donations - be sure to register on-line before the event next Saturday. We will walk as a group and meet at Sugarhouse Park at 7:45 am. More details can be found on-line at
Join us for our next meeting on August 9 at 5:15. Details of the tour to be provided.