Members began meeting July 2011.
Chartered November 16, 2011
Chartering Dinner: January 19, 2011
Low cost club: $90 per quarter fulfills all
Rotary International & District dues & fees requirements
We meet the first
two Thursdays of each month at 5:30pm at Café Madrid to plan service and
socials which occur on the other two Thursdays of each month.
We focus our service on international water
projects and locally with the refugee community in Salt Lake.
Club accomplishments in our first year:
Maintain an active Facebook page and club blog
Established Interact Club (high school Rotary
club) at City Academy.
Established partnerships and mentoring with Salt
Lake and Westminster Rotaract Clubs.
Worked with Bhutanese refugee community at New
Roots Garden and to teach citizenship lessons.
2011 Holiday Party with Bhutanese community
featured Bhutanese food, American entertainment, and a clothing & coats
donation supported by our Interact Club and RC Millcreek members.
Speed mentoring event with Rotaracters
1/3 of our members have attended District
Held club retreat to determine mission and goals
have traveled to Thailand and Guatemala to serve with youth during the summer.
Partnered with Rotary Clubs of Centerville/Farmington, Kaysville, Heber, and Rotary
Club of Iquitos, Peru for a successful Rotary District Grant to fund two water
filtration systems along the Amazon River.
first annual Wine into Water fundraiser on September 13, 2012, raising $6,000
for Peru water projects. Over 100 people in attendance.
to furnish and outfit the new Sunnyvale Refugee Welcome Center.
Halloween ‘trunk or treat’ party at Sunnyvale for refugee kids. Aided hugely by
Rotaracters and Interactors in this effort.
in the Dash for Donations Fun Run and Walk to support organ donation