Two of our members resigned due to family and work obligations - Peter Ingle and Darrin Casper. We wish them the best and are hopeful they can join the fun at a later date.
Thanks to those that braved the storm for a meeting and presentation at Cafe Madrid. Attendees: 8 - Christine Casper, Laurie Summers, Judy Zone, Frank Lilly, Danny Schoenfeld, Gina Coleman, Ladd Tanner, Shannon Tilly
Agenda Items:
- We welcomed our newest member, Danny Schoenfeld, and presented him with a new member kit and Rotary pin. We are thrilled to have a new member. Danny works for the Salt Lake School District and is a great addition.
- Kari Cutler from Promise South Salt Lake was our guest speaker and gave us a great overview of South Salt Lake's Promise program. The program focuses on three promises:
- Every child graduates from college
- Everyone has a safe, clean home and neighborhood
- Everyone has the opportunity to prosper
- RCMC discussed our club vision and how we fit into the Promise program. We want to invite Kari back for more discussion, as well as engage in a service project with this organization.
- Our social event will be a snow shoe on January 17 at Shannon's home. Her address is 3584 E 3800 S, Millcreek. Please arrive at 5:30 to snow shoe or at 6:30 for dinner. Bring your own drink as well as contact Shannon for other food needs. Chris and Laurie will bring chili next week. Come and meet Karla - a friend we are hosting from Peru.
- January 31 will be a service project at Laurie's house - details to follow. Our initial plans and discussion are around putting together hygiene kits and backpacks for the refugee community. WE NEED YOUR HELPING HANDS OR YOUR FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS. :-) Watch for more information from Laurie.
- We used our new name tags. Thanks Margereta. They look terrific.