Minutes of June 13, 2013 Rotary Club of
Millcreek meeting
Present: Jennie Ferguson, Bill Kille,
Frank Lilly, Susan Marks, Dayna Revetti, Danny Schoenfeld, Shannon Tilly,
Margareta Vlasic, Sonia Woodbury, John Zone, Judy Zone
Four guests from Hispano Latino Club:
Oscar and Alicia Gomez, Bertha Jaar, Francisco Soto
1. We need more volunteers for World Refugee Day, Saturday June 22,
Liberty Park. There are two shifts:
a. 9:30-Noon: Frank, Danny, Margareta
(at least one more)
b. 11:30am- 2pm: Bill, Dayna,
possibly Sonia (at least one more)
c. Volunteers will be helping our
Sunnyvale kids with a mural in the park.
2. Judy reviewed Wine into Water assignments.
a. Event is Friday, September 20 at Laurie’s home 355 Crestline Circle.
b. Purpose of event is to fund two water systems in Pursat, Cambodia. 1,000
impoverished people will receive clean water in perpetuity. We will work with
the Rotary Club of Pursat, Cambodia and the Rotary Club of Logan.
c. Each member is asked to:
· sell/purchase at least 4 tickets at $50
· attend and help with set up and
clean up, work the event as needed.
· bring an appetizer for 12-15 people on a nice serving platter.
· seek gift certificates for
goods or services, restaurants, hotel stays, personal care, lessons – you name
it - for the drawings that evening which folks will have to be present to
d. Many assignments were made and
will be emailed to club members, along with other issues that need resolution.
Mark your calendars:
a. Thursday, June 27: Installation dinner most probably at Café Madrid. Evites to come
soon! Spouses, guests invited.
· Frank will
prepare the Program:
of our club accomplishments
of Board members
by Laurie
members voted on a couple of special awards for members to be presented that
b. Thursday, July 18: Community Connection, South Salt Lake, service project. Location TBA
c. Saturday, August 17: Community Connection, South Salt Lake, service project.
Location TBA
d. Thursday, August 22: Cuban food social to discuss our possible service trip to
Cuba with Hispano Latino Club. Location TBA
4. Announcement: Shannon Tilly will be attending the Rotary International Convention in Lisbon, Portugal with her dad
who is also a Rotarian. Shannon promises to take photos and post a blog.