MEMBERS: 12 Margereta Vlasic, Christine Casper, Marlin Clark, Bill Kille, Jennie Ferguson, Frank Lilly, Danny Schoenfeld, Shannon Tilly, Gina Coleman, Miriam Kramer, Laurie Summers-Pisane
- Laurie always runs a fun meeting. She invited Gabby from Cafe Madrid in at the start and gave her a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers to thank her for letting us meet at Cafe Madrid. The staff and atmosphere are superb
- Laurie handed out 2013/2014 Rotarian pins to all members. Please see Laurie for a pin
- Shannon Tilly gave a report out on Lisbon, Portugal and the RI National Convention. To sum it up, Shannon is INSPIRED. She reported on a few of the meetings she attended, the power of Rotarian, and how close we are to eradicating polio (1.5 years - WOW). I can't wait to see what Rotary tackles next
- RI International Convention will be in Sydney, Australia in 2014 - save your money now
- Chris Casper gave an update on Sam Casper (Youthlinc child we sponsored) on his trip to Guatemala. Miriam added some great stories too. Sam will be attending a future meeting to give a report out
- Bill gave an update on his wife's recent trip to Myanmar with Operation Smile. There are currently no Rotary clubs in this very poor country. Bill suggested figuring out how to partner and sponsor a club there. He will post pictures from his wife's trip and share more details at a future meeting
- Logan Rotary is partnering with us on our Cambodia water project. Their fundraiser for 2013 is RAW - Riding Around Wellsvilles. Check their website and support them if you can
- Laurie reviewed all water into Wine assignments - be sure to sign up if you haven't already - see Judy's e-mail
- Pay your dues - look for an e-mail from Laurie Egbert
- Pre-buy 4 Wine into Water tickets - each member needs to sell 4. You can send both to Laurie or our PO Box
- Join us for service next week at 6:00 - McCall Street - Frank to send details. We will be helping to create a park entry into a new park in Millcreek - the area has the largest population of children under 5 in this part of Salt Lake. Come and make a difference - bring gloves. All other tools will be provided
- Come to Laurie's July 25 for a swim party
- Join us for a Cuban dinner on August 22 - our club will be going to Cuba in February - come join the fun