GUESTS AND POTENTIAL NEW MEMBERS: LIZ SHERLOCK AND STEPHANIE CHARD - a warm welcome to both these ladies. Liz has already completed her form
- Pay your dues
- Invite three guests to attend our annual fundraiser on September 20 - RSVP to Judy, and send check to Laurie for your tickets
- Get your hands dirty by helping in our community on Saturday, August 17
- Learn about and help plan our Club's Cuba Trip on August 22
- Volunteer with the Sunnyvale Center and the Real game on August 24
- Slide show and education on Youthlinc- Miriam Kramer - Miriam gave a slide show and excellent overview of Youthlinc and how Rotary Club of Millcreek assists with water projects, sponsorships, etc
- Water Into Wine - Judy Zone - Judy gave a quick update o our annual fundraiser, Water into Wine. The event is at Laurie's house on Friday, September 20. Each member needs to attend and bring three guests minimum. Tickets are $50 each. Mark your calendar to be to Laurie's for set up at 4:30 on September 20. Check Judy's e-mail for the invite and all the details
- Other Upcoming Activities:
- Saturday, August 17 - 8 - 12 - service project - watch for e-mail from Frank Lilly for details
- Social, Thursday, August 22 - Jenny Ferguson's house - 4444 Parkview Drive - bring AorA - alcohol or appetizer to share - This social will be with another club that did a humanitarian trip to Cuba.
- Saturday, August 24 - host Sunnyvale kids for the SL Real game - more details in e-mail