To contact Ellie directly: or 801-590-9746
Projects that need funding:
a. We
are in need of an Interpreting Fund. Although English is the official language
of the center as we help build the language capacities of our students and
families, we need funding to pay interpreters. Activities in which we
need interpreters and translators include our bi-monthly partnership with the
Mobile Health Clinic, home visits with families, parent engagement nights,
tobacco prevention activities, and outreach for all new and existing
programs. Interpreters and translators cost $25/hour.
We calculate that for
the Mobile Health Clinic interpreting, we will need 2-3 interpreters for 6
hours in February, April, June, August, October, and December totaling between
$1800-$2700. Is assisting families receiving free basic health care
something the club would want to support?
Item drives:
a. A
lot of our kids need shoes and boots appropriate for the winter.
We currently have lots of kids wearing flip flops and sandals in the cold
weather. I connected with a girl who works at a shoe store who could measure
the kids and then Rotary could do a drive for the shoes.
b. We
are in need of a new whiteboard in the back classroom. We were so
pleased to receive the wet erase board from your club (through U of U surplus),
however, over the past year, it has literally ‘eaten’ every marker we’ve used
on it. We would really benefit from having a dry erase board (used or new)
instead of a wet erase that tends to be not-user friendly.
c. We
are always using our school supplies and could use a drive for crayons,
pencils, erasers, markers, glue, kid scissors, rulers, flashcards,
workbooks/coloring books, educational movies, construction paper, notebooks,
binders, etc.
d. Youth
incentives: each day, we give the youth incentives for good
behavior, good grades, helping each other and the teachers, etc. We could use
things like small gift cards ($5), chapstick, lotion, earbuds (they have them
at the dollar store!), small toys, baseball caps, colored pens, etc.
Hands-on service:
a. Schedule
a project a month till the end of 2014: The third Thursday of the
month would be good for us. We can come up with ideas monthly, based on
whether or not you are also doing a drive or what your needs are for the
b. We
do need babysitters for our upcoming Financial Literacy class with the Somali
Community. Starting February 21, we will need babysitters every Friday
from 6-7pm (for 8 weeks). We provide materials, snacks, supplies, toys,
etc. We would need the babysitters to fill out a volunteer
application/background check if they haven’t done this already.
c. We
need people to drive families to Parent Teacher Conferences at
Roosevelt, Granite Park Jr. High, and Cottonwood High School the week of
February 10th. (Days TBA, times from 4-7pm). We require that drivers
provide us with their driver’s license, car insurance so we can make a copy for
the file and waive liability.
d. We
love to take the kids on field trips and could use assistance getting the kids
to Jazz Games, U of U sports activities, and other recreational activities that
your club could sponsor.