Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February 12, 2015: Regular Business Meeting

Members: Linda Book, Erin Brinton, Rose Defa, Jennie Ferguson, Marty Gelman, Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic, Susan Marks, Dayna Revetti, Mike Siegel, Brian Rollo

Guests: Sheila Gelman, Lauren Barrett, Harold Weight

We welcomed our newest members, Erin Brinton and Mike Siegel tonight! We are very excited to have both of you.

Margareta provided us with information regarding the refugee families we will potentially be working with this year. Please see attachment in emailed minutes for more information.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, 21 February 10:00am - Sunnyvale Winter Games; Bring your families.  Email Margareta with what food/beverage you will bring for 15-30 kids.
Valley Center Park, which is just around the corner from the Sunnyvale Neighborhood  Center, 4013 South 700 West Murray, Utah 84123.

Monday, 23 February 6:00-8:00pm- Two of our Club members, Stephanie and Margareta, will be traveling to Nepal this summer with Youthlinc. Support them and their students by attending dinner at Spice Bistro, with guest speaker Apa Sherpa, a Nepalese mountaineer who holds the record for reaching the summit of Mount Everest more times than any other person (21 times)! $30, RSVP online by Feb 18.

Monday, 23 February 6:30-8:30pm - Rotary's 110 Years Anniversary, with DG Mike Wells as MC. There will be a dinner and live music with cash bar. Cottonwood Country Club, $20,  RSVP at or 801-290-9260

Saturday, 28 February 3:30 (snowshoe/hike) 5:00 (dinner) *note time changes* - Hiking followed by Dinner at Shannon's - Traditional Burmese/Thai dinner will be prepared by Khinla and Win, students and refugees from Burma who will be traveling to Thailand this summer with Youthlinc. The dinner is $20 per person to support the girls' trips; please bring cash and BYOB.

Thursday, 5 March 5:30 - Regular business meeting

Friday, February 6, 2015

February 6, 2015: Regular Business Meeting

Members: Chris Casper, Stephanie Chard, Rose Defa, Cesar Diaz, Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic, Frank Lilly, Susan Marks, Dayna Revetti, Brian Rollo, Liz Sherlock, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Shannon Tilly, Andrea White, Sonia Woodbury, Judy Zone

Guests: Mike Siegle; Liz's husband, Robert Sherlock; Shannon's husband, Craig Norton; Shannon's brother-in-law, Bill Jacobs (member of Boise Rotary Club); Leah Miller and Rachel Sanders (speakers)

We welcomed our newest member, Cesar Diaz, who came from the Draper Rotary Club! We are so happy to have you, Cesar!

This is the last chance to get Frank your prom attire donations for the Cottonwood High Prom. Please contact him if you have any more donations.

Service Update with Rachel Sanders and Leah Miller
The Service Committee arranged for Rachel Sanders, Family Service Liaison with South Salt Lake City, to visit us to discuss a possible new service opportunity with our club. She and Leah gave us an overview of the possibility for Family Mentoring Initiative with our club.  For our next meeting, they will provide us information regarding the refugee families we would work with.

Nominations of Club Officers for 2015
Susan Marks introduced our proposed roster of club officers for 2015:
President: Danny Schoenfeld
President Elect: Stephanie Chard
Secretary: Liz Sherlock
Treasurer: Ladd Tanner
Everyone present at the meeting was in favor of the new officers...Congratulations!

Brian announced that his daughter, Lydia, has been accepted into the Rotary's Youth Exchange Program! We are excited to hear where she will be going and what student will be coming here!

Upcoming Events:
Thursday, 12 February - Regular Business Meeting

Saturday, 21 February 10:00am - Sunnyvale Winter Games. We are in charge of food and drink. 

Monday, 23 February 6:00-8:00pm- Two of our Club members, Stephanie and Margareta, will be traveling to Nepal this summer with Youthlinc. Support them and their students by attending dinner at Spice Bistro, with guest speaker Apa Sherpa, a Nepalese mountaineer who holds the record for reaching the summit of Mount Everest more times than any other person (21 times)! $30, RSVP online by Feb 18.

Monday, 23 February 6:30-8:30pm - Rotary's 110 Years Anniversary, with DG Mike Wells as MC. There will be a dinner and live music with cash bar. Cottonwood Country Club, $20,  RSVP at or 801-290-9260

Saturday, 28 February 4:30 (snowshoe/hike) 6:00 (dinner) - Snowshoeing or hiking followed Dinner at Shannon's - Traditional Burmese/Thai dinner will be prepared by Khinla and Win, students and refugees from Burma who will be traveling to Thailand this summer with Youthlinc. The dinner is $20 per person to support the girls' trips.