- Chris Casper
- Danny Schoenfeld
- Rose Defa
- Laurie Summers-Pisani
- Ladd Tanner
- Justin Powell
- Susan Marks
- Shannon Tilly
- Linda Book
- Stephanie Chard
- Frank Lily
- Judy Zone
- Total members attending: 12
Rotary Moments offered by Laurie Summers and Ladd Tanner
Refugee Mentoring Update -
- Chris and Laurie took their family from Tanzania hiking at Cecret Lake on Wednesday night, along with their husbands and kids. The experience was more than rewarding. Urgent needs have been met for the family. Rose will provide a pair of shoes for one child. Through our mentor liaison, Erica, and club member, Laurie, the family will attend the Care Fair tomorrow to receive medical, dental, vision etc screening.
- The club agreed to spend $100 per child on school clothes. More information is coming. The same amount will be allocated to Marty and Ladd's family.
- Judy asked reach member to send via email an inventory of furniture and household items to donate to the refugee program. date may be moving
Wine into Water Update -
- Treasurer Ladd let us know we will pre-pay our fund raiser fees of $3000 for the Guatemala project. The grant has been received and other donors are ready to get the project going.
- Laurie reviewed assignments and Danny volunteered to coordinate food assignments and donations for wine
- Each member is responsible for selling and/or buying six tickets at $60 each. Note the event is on September 12.
- Be sure to keep receipts for purchases so you can receive a tax deductible donation receipt
- Shannon and Ladd provided emotional happy bucks showing the friendship, support and camaraderie in our club
- Send Judy donation items inventory as soon as possible
- Sell six tickets to our annual fiund raiser
- Attend the Installation Dinner at Cafe Madrid on August 6
- Attend the potluck at Margereta's on a date in August TBD
- Enjoy summer