Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Meeting Minutes June 9, 2016

Attendees: Liz Sherlock, Danny Schoenfeld, Susan Marks, Cesar Diaz, Sonia Woodbury, and Brian Rollo. New members Dianne Cochrane and Colby Rider also attended.
The meeting was chaired by Danny Schoenfeld. Meeting held at Café Madrid.
Guests: No Guests were present. Welcome new members, Colby and Dianne!

Rotary moment: Cesar brought pictures and a thank you certificate from the Mother’s Day event.

Grant ideas: It has been suggested that we give Kindle Fires again, same as this year. Susan suggested that in addition we make the giving more personal by having members involved in some way, perhaps training on the tablets or something to tie it more to service. The tablets will go to Promise, South Salt Lake School.

Social:  The June social, organized by Frank, will be Saturday June 18th, hike beginning at Brighton Ski Resort parking lot at 2 p.m. and then dinner at the Spruces campground, number 4, at 5 p.m. Frank will send an email with more details and potluck information.

July 21st will be the installation dinner for new board, location TBD, new member installation will be held then as well.

Membership: June 30th at 5:30 a membership event is being planned. Invite 1 or 2 people. It will be here at Café Madrid and last one hour. Shannon has made an invitation to distribute. It is RSVP. Judy will make us a “resume” about our club for guests to take home. She’ll do the accomplishments. Frank will do the presentation of this. Please let Danny or Shannon know how many will be coming as there will be wine and snacks which they must order.

The Wine into Water Committee: Sept 11, 2016, 5-7:30 p.m. at Tracy Aviary. Tickets will be $50.00. Susan suggested we get members on board early.

Service Committee: Service for June, bring books for the International School to the social.

Intergenerational: For RYLA, one student from City Academy and 2 refugees are planned.

Next meeting, July 7th. It will be held at Café Madrid at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned. No board meeting tonight.