Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July 14, 2016 Business Meeting

July 14, 2016 Business Meeting, Cafe Madrid
Attendees: Linda Book, Rose Defa, Colby Rider, Danny Schoenfeld, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Shannon Tilly, Judy Zone
Guests: Oumar Traore, Carmela Ramaglia

5:30 Social - Meet and Greet
5:45 Welcome – Laurie Summers, Retention Chair

Committee Chair Reports
W2W - Laurie: Asked Judy to expand on W2W goals: Each member is asked to sell/purchase four tickets at $50 each. Each member should bring or have sent an attractive platter of substantial finger food for15 people. Each member is asked to help with set up and clean up as needed. In addition, each member is asked to pitch in with two of the following, 1) purchasing the alcohol, 2) donations of restaurant appetizers, plastic plates, cups, napkins, or water bottles, 3) help secure musicians or singers for background music, 4) put together opportunity drawing baskets. Judy passed around a handout with more details. (Judy will help advise on how to put together baskets; recommends approaching local businesses in Millcreek. Only need six baskets.)

Laurie passed around the Polio Pig for people to sign. The pig represents our commitment to eradicating polio.

Danny offered to reach out to the Millcreek mayoral candidates to speak at the club – as a way of getting them involved.

2016-17 Board Installation Dinner: July 21, Sapa Restaurant, 722 South State, 5:30 pm

Meeting ended at 6:21 pm

Action Items:
All: Let Judy know what finger food you will bring to W2W.
All: Use the flyer Judy created to talk to friends and contacts about W2W!

Next Meeting: Thursday, August 4, Cafe Madrid

Monday, July 11, 2016

Minutes July 7, 2016 Business Meeting, Cafe Madrid

Attendees: Rose Defa, Cesar Diaz, Jennie Ferguson, Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic, Justin Powell, Colby Rider, Brian Rollo, Liz Sherlock, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Shannon Tilly, Judy Zone
Guest: Jered Klepitch

5:30 Social - Meet and Greet
5:45 Welcome - Christine Casper, President

Rotary Thought - Laurie Summers.
Laurie highlighted the Rotary magazine, a benefit of membership, and the Rotary Code of Conduct.

Induct New Member - Colby Rider. Chris shared that Colby chose Rotary because of his desire for service. Colby works for CK Plastics. He loves to raise orchids and has a diverse group of friends.

Presidential Citation/Goals for 2016-2017/Video - Chris presented a video featuring John Germ who spoke about the theme of Rotary Serving Humanity. Chris will send the longer version of the video to all members. Chris mentioned a renewed focus on eradicating polio.

Chris distributed the Presidential Citation goals. Judy explained the purpose and scope for earning the citation. Chris also explained that the board identified citation goals:
Net gain of one member
                        Induct two new members under the age of 40
Foundation giving:
Total contribution of at least $536
$26.50 from each member
Minimum annual fund contribution of $100 per capita
Online Tool Adoption:
50% of members identify interests and skills in My Rotary profiles (suggested a social event to get everyone online to complete their profiles; Rose to send out member #s)
Post one initiative in Rotary showcase
Humanitarian Service:
Partner with the Foundation by sponsoring at least one project funded by a global or district grant
One member attend a grant seminar
Establish a partnership and conduct a project with one or more corporations, governmental, or nongovernmental organizations (note: club already partners with Promise Salt Lake and Youthlinc)
New Generations:
Sponsor an Interact club
Involve Rotaracters or Interactors in club project/events
Sponsor a participant in RYLA. (Emmery Jansen selected and will be attending RYLA)
Public Image:
Host an event to inform the community about Rotary and its Foundation

Committee Chair Reports
W2W - Laurie: Event is scheduled for September 11 at the Aviary. Wasatch Academy of Wine and Vine Lore will be there and a signature vodka drink. Members needed to help with purchasing with wine. Also need a food source. Laurie working on tickets and opportunity drawings. Judy will send out a list of member volunteer opportunities for W2W. Each member is responsible for four tickets.

Social - Jennie: Possible Snowbird on July 30; Jennie will send out an invite to determine interest. Jennie is new Service chair, so we need a new Social chair.

Polio Pig/Happy Bucks
Raised $40; Chris will get money to Frank.

Cesar will be Sargeant of Arms

Meeting ended at 6:40 pm

Action Items:
Chris: send the longer version of the John Germ video to all members
Rose: send list of member # to all members
Judy: send out a list of member volunteer opportunities for W2W
Jennie: send out invite to determine interested in a July social at Snowbird

Next Meeting: Thursday, July 14, Cafe Madrid

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Fabulous & informative membership meeting!

Thanks to all who attended our membership meeting on Thursday, June 30 at Cafe Madrid. We had nine new potential members attend. Representative Patrice Arent gave us an overview of the State Legislature and her work there. Treasurer Frank Lilly gave a great overview of our club activities and The Rotary Foundation Centennial.