Attendees: Chris
Casper, Dianne Cochrane, Rose Defa, Cesar Diaz, Jennie Ferguson, Marty Gelman, Margareta
Hjorth-Vlasic, Frank Lilly, Justin Powell, Brian Rollo, Michelle Wright
Guests: Gene Cochrane, Lydia Rollo
1. Call to Order, Four-Way Test – Chris
2. Lydia Rollo, Rotary Youth Exchange 2015-16 –
Lydia shared pictures of her year in France as a Rotary Youth Exchange student.
She attended Lycee Camille See School in Colmar, a city of about 80,000 people;
there are three Rotary Clubs in Colmar.
One of the three families she stayed with belonged to Rotary. She met
many other inbound exchange students and participated in weekend trips to other
places in the region. She described Christmas in Paris as a highlight. She will be going to Brazil this summer to do
service work for the New Generations program.
Local Service Update:
April 22, 9:30 am: Jennie reported that
she had confirmed the project at Veterans nursing home; Laurie talked directly
with the coordinator there to finalize details. (Note: Even with numerous
contact with the Veteran’s coordinator, the Veterans nursing home was not ready
for the 17 members and guests who were there on Saturday, but it provided an
opportunity for fellowship, coordinating on other projects, and meeting
May 4: Business meeting and social to
gather items for the Mother’s Day project. (Note: this will be held at Laurie’s
home, not the Cottonwood Club.) Most attendees are high need, each will receive
a small gift with personal items. Cesar
encouraged Rotary members to attend and help at the event on May 13, 12 – 2 pm.
Location to be announced.
International Update:
Justin reported that there is just one
more approval needed for the money to be available for the Madagascar project.
He is also seeking a new grant a new project in Cambodia.
Chris will be handling the publicity;
she hopes to include photos of past projects in the Save the Date. She asked members to work with Judy on
committee assignments.
Polio Pig was passed for member donations.
Upcoming Key Events
Ø April 22 Earth Day, 9 am to noon – paint/plant
flower boxes and do other chores as requested at VA nursing home
Ø Business meeting and social for Mother’s Day project – May, 6 pm.
Laurie’s home, 355
Crestline Circle, cell phone, 801-455-1242
Ø Business meeting – May 11,
Cottonwood Club
Ø May 13 – support Cesar's Mother’s Day program
Ø May 18-20 – District Conference in Park City. You
can register for District Conference here:
Ø June – garden work at Tracy aviary
date TBD.