Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Millcreek Rotary Club & our City Academy Interactors work to ensure a warm season for Sunnyvale Center refugees

Through our Friendsgiving social/service/membership event, and our City Academy Interact Club, members and Interactors contributed 25 bags of warm winter clothing: coats, hats, gloves, socks. City Academy provided about 15 of those bags! 

Millcreek Rotarians Rose Defa and Brian Rollo delivered the bags to Sunnyvale refugee Center today. 

Thanks to all who participated! 

Sweet story of the good our club does, from Past President Christine Casper

Here is a touching story from Past President Chris Casper:

I went for a mani/pedi a few weeks ago, and the man in the chair next to me provided a nice welcome to the predominantly female establishment.  I did notice his medical mask and the fact he was wearing hospital-issued slippers and shirt.  He was getting a pedicure, with his wife as a break from his second, 100 day stay at the Hope Lodge, following a bone marrow transplant.  I mentioned I was a Rotarian and we had prepared a meal at the Hope Lodge in November last year.  It turned out he was in the Lodge in November and remembered our Chile Verde.  He asked me to share with our Club how much he and his wife appreciated the awesome meal as well as the kind hearts, comradery and love shown by our Millcreek Rotary members. 

They shared a bit about their story and his diagnosis of a rare bone cancer.  He had just retired and felt very tired and out of breath – thinking it was a heart issue, he went to his general practitioner for blood work, etc. The blood tests showed stage four cancer.  He was referred to the Huntsman Center for immediate treatment and has commuted down many times for testing, including two 100 day stays for his treatments.  They live in Wyoming.

I was so humbled by his feedback and felt so proud to be a Millcreek Rotarian and to get to work with such a great group of people! 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Our club's first Friendsgiving!

What a great party! Millcreek Rotary Club held their first Friendsgiving, a combined social/service/membership event on Tuesday, November 14, 2017  at Judy Zone's home. 
We had members, significant others, and potential members attend. We collected winter clothing & coats for Sunnyvale refugee Center. The evening was a huge success! Thanks to all the folks who contributed to the pot luck dinner!

Membership Chair Ronda Eiting wants to make this kind of social a regular event.

Much thanks to Erica Wolff for all these great photos!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Business Meeting Minutes - November 2, 2017

Attendees: Jayne Barnett, Chris Casper, Rose Defa, Ronda Eiting, Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic, Frank Lilly, Anita Miner, Justin Powell, Brian Rollo, Danny Schoenfeld, Laurie Summers, Shannon Tilly, Erica Wolff
Guests: Dave and Denise Chasse

1. Call to Order, Four Way Test and Introduction of Guests – Margareta/All – Recited Four Way Test as a group. Margareta welcomed our guests - David and Denise Chasse and let them know that we hope they become members!
2. Business Items:
a) Budget Update and Report from W2W – Frank He started a new job, Planning Director of Millcreek and has been under the weather – he will email his update to the club members very soon!
b) District Grant – Chris – District grant awarded! This year’s financial contribution will go to Sunnyvale. The club has made a lot of donations to them over the years. They have a very old lap top so we will be donating a new laptop and printer plus a service contract through Les Olsen also 12 tablets. On the 15th or 22nd of Feb. the club will volunteer at Sunnyvale with the kids. We will do an activity and help with homework. Looking for suggestion for something to do with the kids. Will do a full report and submit by June. (more to come)
c) Operation Santa – Service Project December Chris, Rose – Will be on Saturday, Dec 2nd – looking for the club to make a donation of $500.00 or more for hats. The hats will have a tag that indicates that they were donated by Millcreek Rotary. Chris will get the information for how many hats are needed. Frank reviewed the budget and thinks that we have enough money to donate a little more. Margareta suggested that members contribute hats as well. So far, we have: Chris and Laurie 2-5 girls, Shannon and Danny 2-5 boys, Rose, Margareta 6-8 girls, Ronda and Anita 9-11 girls, Denise 9-11 boys, Brian and Dave 12-14 boys, Erica and Jayne 12-14 girls, Frank and Justin adult hats. Each member will bring 5 hats for the age group they are signed up for. Still need 1 person for 9-11 boys and 2 people for 6-8 boys (bring them to Friendsgiving) Rose handed out an
updated list of the Rotary year service project. We will do Hope Lodge again either January 15th or 22nd 2018– taking and serving a meal for the families and patients.
d) Friendsgiving Event Nov 14th – Ronda, Margareta -Membership Drive, social and 2nd business meeting. Each member to invite potential members and RSVP to Judy, bring warm clothing that is gently used or new. We will have bins or bags for the items. Judy will assign the food for members to bring. Watch for an email.
e) Volunteer Opportunity Catholic Community Center – Margareta - received a letter from Catholic Community Services to volunteer to help in mentoring youth – as a club it was decided that we have plenty of projects but could do it on an individual basis if anyone is interested.
f) Shot Ski in Park City Report – Laurie - Shot Ski was a blast! Laurie, Margareta, Erica, Dianne and Jayne attended from the club. Met up with a couple of Dianne’s friend and rode the bus from the high school to main street for the event. Went to Wasatch Brew Pub for lunch. Record was broken!
g) Youth and Interact Club Report – Brian - Brian and Sonia are working with Youth Interact Club at City Academy 7th-12th grade. It is going well. Miriam Barth (District-Youth Mentor) helping with the Interact Club – they will be supporting the clothing drive for the Friendsgiving. Kids are getting excited as a club and learning and getting more involved with Rotary. Laurie recommended inviting them to support and attend our service projects.
h) Christmas Party and Sponsorship of Family – Erica, Shannon – Christmas Party will be December 14th. Erica is hosting and will provide the meat and a fish. The rest of members will bring side dishes and desserts etc. We are using our same contact from last year to connect with a family – single mother working multiple jobs to make ends meet. Still waiting for more details for how to help the family. Surprise the kids with gifts!
i) Items Left at W2W – Margareta – Still hoping to find the owners of the items that were left behind at Wine into Water
j) Other Business – Anita - Anita shared a suggestion for a speaker – Linda Chamberlain – she has traveled to Uganda a lot and has done a lot of service. Margareta will look at the calendar and give her suggestions for possible dates in 2018.
3. Polio Pig/Adjourn – All

• Board Meeting – November 6th – Laurie’s House 6 PM
• November 14 – Membership/Social/Service Party at Judy’s house
• December 2 – Operation Santa, Midvale Rotary Club
• December 4 – Board Meeting – Margareta’s house 6 PM
• December 7 – Business Meeting – Youthlinc Office 5:30 PM
• December 14 – Christmas Social and Service – Erica’s House

Our City Academy Interact Club

Our District's Youth Service Chair, Miriam Barth, came to City Academy Interact Club on Thursday, November 2 for an informative presentation on all that Rotary International can offer Interactors in service and opportunity.

Thanks so much, Miriam (far left in the photo below) and Sonia Woodbury, principal of City Academy charter school in Salt Lake City, who is also a member of Millcreek Club. You can see Sonia peeking over the shoulder of students in the second row left of the second photo!