Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Monday, November 7, 2011

Meeting Minutes - November 3, 2011

What a great meeting!

Judy Zone's husband, John, exercised his duties as Sergeant at Arms by imposing fines. Julia Wee incurred a $1 for RSVP-ing her attendance to the Halloween party, and not attending. Various other fines were issued for random acts - so be on your best behavior around John. The funds will be collected by Ken Klingler and added to our account. Also, in order to learn everyone's names we will be creating a photo gallery of each member. Be prepared to be quizzed by John at future meetings and events!

President Megan Dunn outlined upcoming events. Please contact Megan with any comments, suggestions, or concerns. She is eager to listen! Her phone number is 801-633-3747 and email is She does teach pre-school during the day, so leave a message if she is unable to answer.
  • Next meeting is November 10th at Laurie's home
    • 355 Crestline Circle, 84103
    • 801-455-1242
  • Shopping with Bhutanese refugees activity - December 8th
  • Cooking with refugees the morning of the 10th with lunch at noon on the 10th
  • Chartering Dinner is January 19th at the Cottonwood Club
Loralee Barlow distributed information regarding the Rotary International Interact video contest to Laura Rogers. Click on this link for more information. Interact Video Contest

Ken Klingler presented the budget for the annual club dues. If your dues are a business expense to a company, they are tax deductible. If not, the tax deductible limit is $100 per year.
  • RI dues - $52.00
  • Rotarian magazine - $12.00
  • Legislative Council - $2.00
  • Insurance - $3.74
  • EPL Insurance - $0.80
  • District Dues - $31.58
  • Foundation - $100.00
    • Total Annual Dues - $202.12
Monthly dues will be invoiced at $30.00 per month, billed quarterly. This will cover the RI annual dues as well as Lugano's fees and a very small slush fund for activities. (John is working on increasing the slush fund with fines - so study hard!)

Miriam Wee introduced her guests from the Bhutanese community. Kamala expressed her thanks to Miriam for the assistance she has already provided as well as the future opportunities we offer. She presented the possiblity of the Community/Vocational/International committees joining forces to provide assistance to the existing refugee communities in the area. A list will be compiled by the refugees of areas they are seeking assistance and we will create a list of skills we can share. Some ideas presented included:
  • English - speaking/reading
  • Job search skills - resumes/cover letters
  • Money skills
  • Babysitting skills
  • Opportunities within the hotel/hospital housekeeping vocations
We welcomed our newest member Dr. Marlin Clark! He's a very engaging man with a great sense of humor. You will often find him trying to convince an audience that a "cabbit" is a real animal. Look it up!

See you next week!

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