Rotarian Loralee Barlow, who was our Chartering Club Secretary, has to step down from that post. Christine Casper willingly accepted the position, and will finish out this Rotary Year as a Board member, serving in this capacity. Chris is responsible for reporting attendance to the District & RI. Since she cannot be at every meeting, Judy Zone said she would take Minutes and post to the blog (since she knows most everyone), and she will list meeting attendance in each blog.
Vice President Laurie Summers-Pisani and our Social Chair Annie Nielsen must begin work in earnest on our Chartering Dinner, scheduled for Thursday, January 19, 6:15pm at the Cottonwood Country Club. President Megan wants us to have two business meetings in January to prepare, so stay posted as to location: Most likely we will be back at Lugano's Loggia at 5:15pm the 1st and 2nd Thursday of January 5th and 12th.
We have a tentative social scheduled with the Hispano-Latino Club Thursday, January 26 6:15pm, probably at Lugano's Loggia.
Susan Marks reported that RC Millcreek was announced at the Area Four Luncheon (our District has ten areas comprised of 3-6 clubs with an Assistant District Governor assigned to each area. We are in Area 4 with Bev Christy as our fearless ADG leader). Susan remarked that the formation of RC Millcreek has comprised 22% of the District's membership goal of 150 new Rotarians statewide by July 1, 2012. Yay for us. We rock.
If you cannot open your Statements, which are pdfs, click here to do to the Adobe website and download the software you need for free.
Community Service Chair, Miriam Kramer, reviewed our upcoming service projects and holiday social: Thursday, December 8 5:15pm Contact Miriam miriam@youthlinc.org for location for shopping for groceries with the Bhutanese women.
Saturday, December 10 10am: Cooking class with Bhutanese women at the Columbus Center 2530 S 500 E (South Salt Lake) if you have not rsvped, do so immediately miriam@youthlinc.org
Saturday, December 10 NOON: RC Millcreek Holiday Social with the Bhutanese community at the Columbus Center. Bring your kids, warm winter clothing especially in small adult sizes & kids' sizes, blankets, canned vegies, and cash to buy darling handmade items by the Bhutanese women. Cost of luncheon TBD by cost of groceries divided by attendees at luncheon. Bring some cash for your food, @ $10 p/p
If you have not rsvped, do so immediately megan@xmission.com Evite reminders will be coming again soon, and you can rsvp that way too! Obviously, we need an accurate head count.
Btw, Judy will be bringing mac n cheese for your kids who cannot deal with spicy (but delicious) Bhutanese food. We need desserts, so bring them!
Rotaracters (college Rotary Club) and Interactors (our club at City Academy) will be there to help with games and clothing collection. Thank you!
Our formidable Sergeant at Arms, Dr. John Zone, ended the meeting as per our tradition, with fines.
But first, Kathryn Christiansen explained that Pyxis Suites, her business at 999 Murray Holladay Rd. was shared executive office space, hourly meeting space, and virtual office space all available for rent. There are 46 individual office suites, rented by all variety of small businesses. Many of the virtual offices are online marketing and the like, wanting a Utah business address and services provided by the shared receptionist service.
Fines: Sonia, Paul, Andrea, and Annie were fined $5 for missing the wonderful meeting at Laurie's house. When Annie protested that she couldn't attend because she was in Cabo, her fine was increased to $10.
Many members also kicked in funds to Miriam for groceries for our social on December 10, and of course to Megan to pay for the yummy snacks she bought for our meeting. Thanks, Kathryn, for supplying us with wine for the social part of our business meeting.
In attendance: Darrin Casper, Jason Collier, Kathryn Christiansen, Megan Dunn, Paul Halliday, Peter Ingle, Ken Klingler, Miriam Kramer, Susan Marks, Annie Nielsen, Laura Rogers, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Ladd Tanner, Margareta Vlasic, Andrea White, Sonia Woodbury, John Zone, Judy Zone. Guest (and we hope new member!) Mike Katsanevas.
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