Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Meeting Minutes - December 6, 2012

Meeting at Cafe Madrid

Attendees:  14 - Laurie Summers, Christine Casper, Julie Bateman, Annie Nielsen, Jason Collier, Peter Ingle, Susan Marks, John Zone, Judy Zone, Miriam Kramer, Ron Stevens, Marlin Clark, Ladd Tanner, Margereta Vlasic



Agenda Items:

  • Welcome and plaque presentation to Cafe Madrid.  Plague hung in their lobby to show Rotary Club of Millcreek meetings are held there.
  • Treasurer Report - Account balance is about $6000.  We owe some RI dues in January and have made purchases for new member kits and some other supplies
  • Reviewed nominations for 2013/2014 officers
  • Reviewed items needed for Sunnyvale.  Please sign up to bring something, or you can contribute cash.  We have a new thank you note/receipt that Julie Bateman will be sending when you contribute to use for tax purposes.  Remember, our club is built on donating time or money - do what you can.   If you want to donate money, send to PO Box 17656, SLC, UT 84117
  • Reviewed Karlita's schedule - we are hosting her as friends.  If you have a day you can spend with her between February 25and March 1, e-mail Judy.
  • Membership Drive - recruit your friends.  We want to grow our club.  Susan Marks is going to help us with a membership night and short presentation.  Stay tuned for details
  • Laurie read thank you card from Sam Casper - Youthlinc member we are sponsoring for Guatemala 2013
  • Upcoming meetings
    • December 13 - Cafe Madrid
    • December 20 - Sunnyvale Holiday celebration drop in from 6-7
    • January 3 and 10 Business meetings
    • January 17 - Winter fun and chili party at Shannon's

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Rotary Club of Millcreek November 20, 2012 meeting at Sunnyvale Refugee Welcome Center

The needs at the Sunnyvale Welcome Center were completely apparent to the 13 members of the club who attended this meeting. The Center, a small apartment in west side complex, is under construction: awaiting paint, inside doors, and carpet and badly in need of storage shelves. However, the Center is operating an active afterschool program for 25-35 refugee children from the neighborhood, using the tables and chairs our club members have donated – individually and through our September fundraiser.
Many club members brought donations, including several boxes of books donated by our club members at our holiday social.

On the night we met in a spare room, the noise level from these enthusiastic youngsters was quite as they participated in fun activities and homework help in these tight quarters.
Meeting minutes:
1.      Father Frankline, a member of the Rotary Community Corps of Kajuki, Kenya, was visiting our club. Father spoke a little bit about the extreme poverty in this area of Kenya, and Judy Zone whose nonprofit works with Father Frankline mentioned that a Rotary Grant supported by five Utah clubs provided solar power, clean water, and science lab equipment for a secondary school there.

2.      One of the teachers at the Sunnyvale Center discussed needs, mentioning that perhaps some of the students might need winter coats. Miriam Kramer will look into this, but in the meantime, the ‘needs list’ to get the Center up and running is a high priority.

a.      Members, please either buy these items and bring them when you drop by Sunnyvale on Thursday December 20 after work, or write a check to our club for any amount so that the staff can purchase these items. Please put Sunnyvale in the check memo, and send it to our P.O. Box 17656, Salt Lake City, Utah  84117:

·        Recycling bin

·        Bookshelves

·        Small trash can

·        Four clocks

·        Large laminated blank calendar

·        Paper Cutter

·        Storage Shelves

·        Comprehensive first aid kit  

·        20-30 hooks for coats and backpacks

·        Paper towel dispensers for bathrooms

·        Rags and sponges

·        Mop

·        Dishcloths, sponges, dish soap

·        Plates, bowls, cups & mugs for staff and volunteers

b.      Once the Center is more settled, our club can begin regular service in their evening programs with the kids or the adults.

3.      Karlita Acosta, the teenage daughter of a Peru Rotarian, will be visiting Utah January 15- March 15. She will be hosted our member Shannon Tilly and a number of families with teenage children who will be visiting Peru next summer. Shannon will be getting out a schedule of when Karla will be with her in Salt Lake, and any club member who might have an activity, social event, entertainment event scheduled that they could include Karla, please let Shannon know. Here are some dates to put on your calendar:

a.      Thursday, January 17: Shannon and her husband are hosting a Rotary Club of Millcreek party for all of us, Karla, and members of our Interact and Rotaract Club.

b.      February 1-9 and February 19-March 2: Karla will be in Salt Lake City with Shannon.

4.      Bill Kille, chair of our club’s nominating committee has a slate of officers for us for new Rotary Year starting July 1, 2013:

·        Frank Lilly is nominated as our President Elect.

·        Julie Bateman to continue as club treasurer

·        Christine Casper as club secretary

·        Community Service Chair: Miriam Kramer

·        International Service Chair: Ladd Tanner

·        Youth Service Chair: Shannon Tilly

·        Club Service Chair: Ann Nielsen Cononelos

·        Membership Chair: Gina Coleman

·        Vocational Service Chair: Marty Gelman

5.     President Laurie discussed member Gina Coleman's visit to Russia to meet her adopted daughter, 2 1/2 year old Evie. Gina may be able to bring Evie to Utah as soon as April. Keep Gina in your thoughts, and let's anticipate a club service project in helping Gina provide for Evie - a toddler shower may be in order as Gina is a single mom.

Laurie also presented us with new Rotary pins, some cards to give out to friends to invite them to our meetings, new member packets, and a plaque for Café Madrid announcing that Rotary Club of Millcreek meets here Thursdays 5:30pm. Our club trading banners are in process.

6.      Next Club planning meetings: Thursdays, December 6 & 13 at Café Madrid, 5:30pm

7.      Thursday, December 20: Plan on stopping by after work to the Sunnyvale Center to drop by a gift and get some hot chocolate. Address: 3960 S. 764 W Apt EE11


Meeting Minutes - November 29, 2012


Attendees:  Frank Lily, Sonia Woodbury, Margereta Vlasic, Shannon Tilly, Linda Book, Susan marks, Jennie Ferguson, Laurie Summers Pisane, Pablo Halliday,  Judy Zone, Miriam Kramer, Peter Ingle, Bille, Kille, and Marlin Clark

Special Guest:  Father Franklin from Kenya

Agenda items:

  1. Discussed officers for 2013-2014
  2. Gave books, chairs and a few other items to the Sunnyvale Refugee Center
Our next meeting is Thursday, December 6 at Cafe Madrid.  Please RSVP to Laurie and read her e-mail from December 2 on additional donations needed for the Sunnyvale Center.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy First Birthday, Rotary Club of Millcreek!

In just one year, the Rotary Club of Millcreek has accomplished a lot! Check it out! 

·        Members began meeting July 2011.

·        Chartered November 16, 2011

·        Chartering Dinner: January 19, 2011

·        Low cost club: $90 per quarter fulfills all Rotary International & District dues & fees requirements

·        We meet the first two Thursdays of each month at 5:30pm at Café Madrid to plan service and socials which occur on the other two Thursdays of each month.

·        We focus our service on international water projects and locally with the refugee community in Salt Lake.

Club accomplishments in our first year:

·        Maintain an active Facebook page and club blog

·        Established Interact Club (high school Rotary club) at City Academy.

·        Established partnerships and mentoring with Salt Lake and Westminster Rotaract Clubs.

·        Worked with Bhutanese refugee community at New Roots Garden and to teach citizenship lessons.

·        2011 Holiday Party with Bhutanese community featured Bhutanese food, American entertainment, and a clothing & coats donation supported by our Interact Club and RC Millcreek members.

·        Speed mentoring event with Rotaracters

·        1/3 of our members have attended District trainings

·        Held club retreat to determine mission and goals

·        Members have traveled to Thailand and Guatemala to serve with youth during the summer.

·        Partnered with Rotary Clubs of Centerville/Farmington, Kaysville, Heber, and Rotary Club of Iquitos, Peru for a successful Rotary District Grant to fund two water filtration systems along the Amazon River.

·        Held first annual Wine into Water fundraiser on September 13, 2012, raising $6,000 for Peru water projects. Over 100 people in attendance.

·        Worked to furnish and outfit the new Sunnyvale Refugee Welcome Center.

·        Held Halloween ‘trunk or treat’ party at Sunnyvale for refugee kids. Aided hugely by Rotaracters and Interactors in this effort.

·        Participated in the Dash for Donations Fun Run and Walk to support organ donation


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Board Meeting Minutes - October 18, 2012

Our meeting was held at Tin Angel.  We enjoyed the refugee option off the menu - a wagyu beef stew. Proceeds went to the refugee community in Utah.

Attendees: Julie Bateman, Miriam Kramer, Judy Zone, Chris Casper, Peter Ingle, Annie Nelson, Laurie Summers-Pisane.

Agenda items:

  1. Member outreach - Gina Coleman, our membership chair, will begin to call members that do not attend.    Our club averages 50% attendance which is normal for rotary clubs.  Our social on November 15 will be an "Invite a Friend" night.  Judy will have a summary sheet for prospective members.  They will be able to speak with us in a social setting as we celebrate our Club's one-year anniversary.
  2. Financial statement - Julie Bateman presented our financial statement.  We recently paid our RI district dues  All officers agreed we will order 20 new member kits to help new members when they join our club.  The financials look good with a balance of $8400.  Please remember to pay your 4th quarter dues if you haven't already.  Chris will call RI about our most recent e-mail abut tax filing status for rotary clubs.
  3. Location of meetings - The board discussed whether to continue with Cafe Madrid.  All agreed it is a great spot and location, and there are few other places that caN accommodate our budget. Laurie noted that gratuity is included and will remind members of this at our next meeting on November 8.  Laurie will also ask Gabby if she can offer some variety on the appetizers.  We will plan to give the wait staff a gift card for the holidays.  Laurie will bring this up at our next meeting to ask for ideas and suggestions.
  4. Holiday party and upcoming meetings - Annie will bring dates and ideas to our next meeting.  Board agreed not to have a meeting on November 1, due to the event at Sunnyvale on October 31.  November meetings will be November 8 and 15.  
  5. SUNNYVALE EVENT- The Board agreed to have Miriam assign every member items for which they join with another-1 to 2 members to provide for the Sunnyvale Center.  Our meeting on November 8 will be at the Sunnyvale Center with a theme of BYOC - Bring Your Own Chair.  Details will be coming on where to buy your chair.  We will meet at the Sunnyvale Center and leave the Center with some much needed items.  


Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 11, 2012 - Meeting Minutes

Attendees:  Chris Casper, Jason Collier, Laurie Summers, Andrea White, Bill Kille, Miriam Kramer, Marlin Clark, Judy Zone, John Zone, Ron Stevens, Shannon Tilly

Member Actions:
Open your e-mail from October 11, and donate to the Sunnyvale Center.  Miriam is updating the list and we still need a lot of items. Or email Laurie is collecting cash from members as well.  Donations were collected.
RSVP to Miriam Kramer for our social next Thursday, October 18 at Tin Angel, 365 W 400 S, SLC.  We will enjoy dinner together at 6:30.  Proceeds from the Dining Around the World Event will benefit the refugee community
Purchase candy for the trunk or treating activity on October 31 from 5-7pm.  Please plan to come early at 4:30 to help set-up.  Miriam will send an e-mail with details.
Join us for these important meetings:
October 18 – Dinner at Tin Angel
October 31 – Sunnyvale Halloween Party 4:30-7
November Meetings – November 8 & 29
November Social – November 15 – at John & Judy Zone’s to celebrate Club’s 1 year anniversary of our RCMC
November 29 – Board Meeting
December Meetings – Dec 6 and 13 – note:  we will be voting on our officers for next year

Other business:
Andrea White to create member list including our professions to share with all
RCMC members to let Shannon Tilly know of any activities they can do with the young woman we are hosting from Peru.  Karla will be here from Jan 15 – March 15.  E-mail your ideas and things you can host to 
The  Nominating Committee will be working on a slate of candidates for President and President Elect, and other key roles which we will vote on in December.  Jason, Susan and Bill are our nominating committee.
Working on ideas for a November and December combines service project
Marlin Clark is our new Foundation Chair and will attend a Peace Foundation Meeting on November 3, 9-1.  Let Laurie know if you would like to attend.
We collected $65 from happy dollars to fund the fishing pond and treats/supplies at the Halloween Party for Sunnyvale Center

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes


Attendees:  Christine Casper, Miriam Kramer, Willard Kille, Francis Lilly, Susan Marks, Andrea White, John Zone, Judy Zone, Jenny Ferguson, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Pablo Fiesta, Ladd Tanner, Julie Bateman, Annie Nielsen, Mustafa Celebi, Shannon Tilly

Guests:  Ashley Kennedy, Ellie Goldberg, Oscar Gomez, John Castro, Courtney Castro




Updates on Sunnyvale Service Project:

·         For the Halloween Carnival on October 31st at 5-7pm, please bring your kids, 1-2 bags of candy, and any donations you might be able to collect (toothbrushes, toothpaste, notebooks, pencils, pens, calculators, socks, scarves, etc.).  We’ll be meeting at Valley Center Park.  The Salt Lake and Westminster Rotaract Clubs and City Academy Interact Club will be putting on various activities (face painting, horse shoes, bag and mask decorating, a fishing booth, and bean bag tosses).   We expect up to 100 children to be at this event!  We need Mormons to bring tables and chairs.  We’ll discuss more at our next meeting.
·         We discussed having a possible social on October 18th at one of the participating restaurants in the Dining Around the World Event, where the proceeds of our dinner will benefit the refugee community.  Our options are Café Trio, the Oasis Café, the Rose Establishment, Squatters, Finca, Café Niche or the Tin Angel Café.  Click the link for more information on this fabulous event.
  • Member Frank Lilly brought us a Rotary flag from Berlin
  • Julie Bateman, Treasurer, gave an update on our finances - dues are due - pay now!
  • Sergeant at Arms - John Zone collected happy dollars - $108
Our next meeting is Thursday, October 11 at Cafe Madrid.

Wish list for Sunnyvale Neighborhood Center
·         2- 8 foot conference tables (96" x 18")
·         4- 6 foot tables (72” x 18”)
·         Benches (or chairs if no benches)
·         5 stackable chairs for welcome area
·         Three recycling bins
·         Desk for coordinator’s office
·         One Couch for welcome area
·         Three window unit Air Conditioners
·         One or two bookshelves
·         Three small trash cans
·         Four clocks
·         One large laminated blank calendar
·         4-6 computers
·         Hole punchers, paper cutter
·         Tape, staples, scissors, copy paper, colored paper, binders, pocket folders, binder clips, paper clips, mouse pads
·         Two White Boards/markers/erasers
·         Fan
·         Plug covers
·         Cupboard locks
·         Calendars for each room
·         Four fire extinguishers
·         Five comprehensive first aid kits
·         Art supplies: lots of crayons, markers, pencils, paper, rulers, scissors
·         Educational toys and games
·         Books (adult and children’s books)
·         3 world maps
·         2 U.S. maps
·         Toilet paper
·         Hand Sanitizer
·         Paper towel dispensers for bathrooms
·         Vacuum
·         Rags and sponges
·         Mop and bucket
·         Toilet bowl brush
·         Curtains for each window
·         Dishcloths, sponges, dish soap
·         Plates, bowls, cups & mugs for staff and volunteers
·         Coffee, tea, and sugar
·         Water filter or dispenser  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oh what a night! 1st Annual Wine into Water Benefit is a HUGE success

Something must be wonderfully right when practically the entire club membership (30+ people) pull together to create a completely new concept for a Rotary Club fundraiser.

The 1st Annual Wine into Water Benefit for the Rotary Club of Millcreek was a true group effort with members buying all the wine (with subsidiaries from Utah wineries: Kiler Grove and Castle Creek), providing all the amazing delicious and apparently endless appetizers, contributing tables, chairs, musical entertainment, sommeliers, tablecloths, centerpieces, signage, printing, inviting nearly 100 people, and contributing a combined hundreds of volunteer hours to raise over $5,000 on one beautiful evening at the club president’s home.

 As one seasoned Rotarian said, “This is the most organized and fun event I’ve ever been to in Rotary.” And successful, too.

Since members covered every single cost, 100% of the proceeds can go directly to club projects such as the funding of two water filtration systems in impoverished villages in Peru. .. except for the $1,000 Grand Prize, won this year by a Millcreek member guest, Nadine Bone.

The fundraiser was also an opportunity drawing for that significant award, and many other great gifts, all donated by members: Verizon products (thanks, Jennie Ferguson), Ruth Chris gift certificate, Color or Cut at Steur & Friends (by our own Annie Cononelos), BBQ sauce basket, and a two night stay in a Kimball Junction condo donated by our own Shannon Tilly.

There are so many people to thank for this incredible event:

·        Club President Laurie Summers-Pisani for letting us use your beautiful home and backyard! I hope there wasn’t too much mess when we all left!
All the members who came early to help set up and stayed late to clean up, including Youthlinc Alum Leaders Ryan David, Isaac Puriri, Jaclyn Bawden, and Real Life in SLC intern Megan Dolle.

·        All the members who brought substantial appetizers – Many brought appetizers and they weren’t even assigned to bring them!
·        Thanks Ladd Tanner for the Dodo contributions and thanks Kevin Jones for Snap Daddy contributions.

·        Miriam Kramer for bringing tables and chairs, and with the help of other members, getting them all out of there! Julie Bateman for donating the tables, and Mustafa Celebi for the tablecloths.

·        Frank Lilly, John Zone, Ryan Van Dyke for supplying wine (Ryan’s own homemade wine was delicious!)

·        Pablo Fiesta for bringing some bubbly non-alcoholic beverages, and for buying so many tickets!

·        Janey Lyon for her lovely guitar music and her beautiful voice.

·        Margareta Vlasic for making and bringing our name tags.

·        Past District Governor Rick Cambra and Park City Sunrise Rotarian and Assistant District Governor, Derick Loyola, for helping with sommelier duty.

·        Frank Lilly for making our Peru posters and Laurie for all the printing.

·        Club members also pulled together to pay for our new club banner and our Wine into Water Benefit sign. We’ll have those for years to come.

So if you missed the event this year, watch for it next year in September. And if you want to see this ‘unstructured’ club in action, come visit us 1st and 2nd Thursdays of each month, 5:30pm, at Café Madrid on Highland Drive.  We are a great group. We’d love you to be part of us. We know how to make service fun.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 6 Meeting Minutes

Miriam Kramer, presiding, Sonia Woodbury, Margareta Vlasic, Judy Zone, John Zone, Bill Kille,
Susan Marks, Jason Collier, Ryan Van Dyke (new member – gave his application to Sarah Grant with his membership check), Marty Gelman, Sarah Grant, Annie Nielsen Cononelos, Julie Bateman,
Ladd Tanner, Shannon Tilly Guest: Errol Eernisse

·        Susan Marks provided our “Rotary Minute” – we’re part of 1.255 million members Worldwide in 170 Countries with 35,000+ clubs and we need to “proudly wear” our Rotary Pins all the time; have a 30 sec “elevator pitch” ready when people ask “what is that pin for?” and be proud of the local, National and Int’l work we do!

·        Errol EerNisse, a guest from the sugarhouse Club, and representing the District 5420 Rotary Foundation Committee as Chairman gave us a wonderful presentation on what and how the foundation works.  The Foundation provides funding in matching grants to Clubs Worldwide and provides Rotary Districts with money to conduct – local, National and International projects – as a District we get back 50% of all money we contribute to the Foundation and the remaining 50% is available to the Worldwide fund projects of which we can receive funds from also; the management of the fund is such that ALL money used for projects gets distributed to the Project – 100% of money contributed is used – NOT one cent goes for management, overhead, etc – this is UNIQUE within the Charitable Giving World! – Thank you Earl for a great explanation of how the system works

·        Julie Bateman provided a report on our finances as treasure of our club; 4th qtr dues are due and can be sent in to our address:

              Rotary Club of Millcreek
              P.O. Box 590
              Sandy, UT 84091-0590

·        Sarah Grant reported on the Membership Committee’s efforts to increase our numbers; we now have a “new membership check list”; name badges are in the works and a plan to “match up” our new members with those who are more experienced to show them the path

·        Judy Zone reported on our “Wine to Water” event this 13th of Sept; she’s requesting “set-up” assistance at 3:00 pm, email her if you can attend; ticket sales are close to complete needing only 6 or 7 to sell out the 100 tickets – way to go Team!!!

·        Miriam reported that our support of the Sunnyvale Center will be Oct 31th from 5-7; Rotoracters and Interactors will join us to man booths, and support the Carnival, more info at our next regular on Sept 20th