Attendees: Stephanie Chard, Rose Defa, Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic, Frank Lilly, Susan Marks, Danny Schoenfeld, Liz Sherlock, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Ladd Tanner
Guests: Jim Schott (prospective member), Sif Hjorth (Margareta’s mother)
The 4 way test was recited.
Susan Marks: The Mother’s Day Event put together by Cesar Diaz was great, several of our members attended. There were 375 women in need in shelters, victims of domestic violence or other situations. They all received a nice gift.
Stephanie Chard stated that $1100 had been raised for Nepal aid. Ladd will send the money to the Katmandu club.
Guest Jim Schott works for an industrial rental business in North Salt Lake.
Sif Hjorth is visiting because Margareta’s daughter graduated from the University of Utah.
Coming Events: Youthlinc Annual Benefit the 16th. We need 2 more people at our table.
The May social is the Thai cooking class at Harmons on the 20th at 6:30.
The June social will be a hike and picnic organized by Frank at the Spruce’s. He has reserved a day pavilion and wants to know when people want to arrive. There will be a hike followed by a potluck. Stephanie said she can provide burgers.
Thursday June 25th is Rotary night at the Bees. Frank has 3 tickets left for Rotary seating.
Stephanie will bring a goodbye card for Dayna to the next meeting, and will mail it to her.
Committee News:
Wine into Water: Music is needed, Ladd said he can provide School of Rock kids, good players but maybe a bit loud. The donations will fund a water project in Guatemala this year. Discussion of ticket price, decided to raise price to $60 per ticket, with a goal of 150 people.
Local Service Committee: Margareta said she has had trouble contacting Sunnyvale, is going to work with a different contact person. The family project has a family assigned, Laurie and Chris have not yet met with the family.
Social Committee: The Thai cooking class has 9 people signed up, need 10 minimum, can have up to 20.
Frank Lilly did a book report on Century of Service, chapters 3 & 4. They detailed how Rotary transformed from 16 clubs in 1908 to 1000 by 1920, in a dozen countries. It was challenging to adopt a framework that allowed for independence but still a central organization. Salt Lake City was club #24. Laurie will do Chapter 5.