Rose Defa, Liz Sherlock, Frank Lilly, Brian Rollo, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Susan Marks, Danny Schoenfeld, Shannon Tilly, Chris Casper, Jennie Ferguson, Justin Powell, Margreta Hjorth-Vlasic, Sonia Woodbury, Mustafa Celebi and Jim Schott.
The meeting was chaired by Danny Schoenfeld.
Max Calleja (exchange student), Shaun Mitchel (District Governor next year), and Can Cinbis (prospective member].
The Four Way test was recited.
Social: This month the social will be dinner and a play at Hale Theater, November 19th. Dinner at 5:45, BYOB and own corkscrew. It will be at Zabita Grill, 3460 So. Redwood Road, a Pakistani restaurant and Ladd has made arrangements for a family style dinner. Cost will be $26.71. Please bring your checkbook to pay Ladd as they want one check for the whole group. No credit cards. Also Rose needs to be reimbursed for the play tickets at $30.00 per person.
Shaun Mitchell shared a Rotary moment, how he started in Rotary 15 years ago to help a friend. This week he rescued a lamb he found in the mud after taking a friend for a ride in the mountains.
Service Projects:
Family mentoring is ongoing. Rachel Sanders & family liaison will assist. The IRC project was last Saturday. Families need books, pencils, notebooks. Laurie, Christine and Marty will make a list of items needed for a Nov/Dec service project, suggested by Margreta.
Chris Casper described their refugee family which is from Tanzania. There are 5 children ages 17-6. Martie, Sheila & Ladd have the 2d family, a mother with 7 children from Burma. The father recently died.
Laurie brought plastic crates for each member of the first family, labelled with a family member’s name. Members volunteered to fill the boxes with needed items. Laurie volunteered to provide similar boxes the the 2nd family at the next meeting.
Assignments were:
1st family:
- Marianne (mom): Susan
- Gaudance (17 y/o girl): Rose
- Twomday (11 y/o boy): Frank
- Delphine (14 y/o girl): Brian
- Natasha (6 y/o girl): Jim
- John Claude (8 y/o boy): Jennie & Sonia
2nd family:
- Far Non Chan (12 y/o boy): Max & Christine
- Ahme Ahr (mom): Laurie
- Ar Mat Khan (10 y/o boy) Justin
- Ar Sit Kham (11 y/o boy) Rose
- Ra Ma Za (20 y/o girl): Sonia
- Sar Ke Da Khan (18 y/o boy): Marty
- Smee Lar: (9 y/o girl): Liz
- Ra He nar (13 y/o girl): Margreta
Notes (cont'd):
Guest Can Cinbis is a prospective member, interested in joining the club. He was given an application.
Max Calleja, exchange student, is doing well, has now experienced snow, wants to learn to snowboard.
Xmas party will be Saturday December 5th at Stephanie Chard’s house. Bring sides, wine and hors d’oeuvres. She will be making a stew. She will send an invitation, needs RSVP.
Social: Dec. 20th possible group attendance at Tabernacle Choir practice, then brunch. More details to follow.
Membership update: Jim contacted the Rotoracts from last meeting to discuss partnering.
Danny discussed bylaw changes and handed out prospective changes. These are necessary because of possible irregularities in how the new president was elected. They will be introduced at Dec. 3rd meeting.
Frank stated that these changes will be discussed and voted on at the next meeting. Need 1/2 to 2/3 of the members present to make their opinions known.
Frank gave the treasurer’s update. He passed out a detailed report he had prepared which he will email to each member. His conclusion is that although there was some lack of follow-through by the previous treasurer, there is no evidence of malfeasance. He has sent statements of account to each member and wants all of the accounts reconciled by December 1st. He discussed details of Wine into Water and Nepal fund issues.
Next Meeting December 5th.
Meeting adjourned.
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