Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Millcreek Rotary makes significant impact at SLCC Refugee Center

Millcreek Rotarians have really enjoyed volunteering at the SLCC Meadowbrook Refugee Center, helping Sudanese & South Sudanese refugees learn computer skills. This past Saturday was the last class of the session and we celebrated with some treats. Many thanks to all the Rotarians who have helped in so many ways. Thanks to Jennie, Rose, Margareta, Jayne, Susan and Linda for their help yesterday.

In addition, the club has contributed to purchase two new computers for their lab. Along with six other clubs and individual contributions, the lab will open in March with 40 new laptops. Millcreek Rotarian Judy Zone has also helped them rewrite their curriculum to make it more interactive.

Many thanks to our Local Service Chair, Jennie Ferguson, for organizing this two month service project for us!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Minutes of our February 9, 2017 Business Meeting

Attendees: Linda Book, Chris Casper, Rose Defa, Cesar Diaz, Pablo Fiesta, Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic, Frank Lilly, Susan Marks, Anita Miner, Justin Powell, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Shannon Tilly, Judy Zone

Guests: Michelle Wright, Ronda Eiting, Les Norton, Dave Ruprecht

1.      Call to Order, Four-Way Test, and Guest Introductions – Chris Casper

2.      Guest Speaker – Gerald Brown, Refugee Services, Utah: Gerald reported on the refugee computer training project at SLCC Meadowbrook campus. Of the 20 million refugees in the world, less than 1% received resettlement. Utah is taking over 1100 refugees a year – all in the Salt Lake valley. He praised Rotary for our contribution. He emphasized that for resettlement to work refugees have to be integrated and the main thing a refugee needs is an American friend. He said the refugee service fund is provided by the legislature to help refugees in emergency situations and an applicant has to include a plan of how they will cover the emergency next time or next month. It typically covers rent, funerals, etc. 

He thanked us for what we are doing at the Center and Judy for the help with the curriculum. Some refugees have never used a computer or know any technology and they need basic skills for even simple tasks at work or to check their children’s grades. The refugee students receive a computer when they graduate. Judy said that the Utah Rotary clubs have committed to 14 computers so far and would like to get to 20.

Atem, a volunteer with the refugee center, became a lost boy in Sudan when he was six. He became an artist to tell his story and help his own healing, subsequently he was asked by the United Nations to create an orientation to tell the refugee story.

Our contribution will be two computers and as a club we will discuss the possibility of contributing to the emergency fund.  Members may also donate their own personal computers. Chris will send more information about making a personal laptop donation.
3.      Susan Marks – Paul Harris Fellows: Susan presented a PowerPoint about the Rotary Foundation. The Foundation holds one billion dollars in assets and has the highest rating from Charity Navigator. 50% of total club donations come back 3 years later for District Grants and the remaining 50% is available for Global Grant. The Club can support the Foundation by increasing giving through the Paul Harris Fellows program. Susan presented a number of ways to increase to do that. 

Susan inducted new Paul Harris Fellows: Chris Casper, Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic, Frank Lilly, and Shannon Tilly. Current PHFs Judy, Susan, Rose, Cesar, and Paul were there. The total number of Paul Harris Fellow in the Millcreek club is now 10.

4.      Local Service Update – Rose Defa/Margareta Vlasic:  
February – help with classes every Saturday; take treats to last class February 25.  Will help the cause by purchasing 2 laptops.

March 23 at 4:00 – read stories to school kids from the Kindles donated this month.  We will take treats.

April 22 Earth Day – paint/plant flower boxes and do other chores as requested at VA nursing home.

May – support Cesar's Mother’s Day program on Saturday, May 13.

June – garden work at Tracy aviary date TBD.
5.      International Service Update – Justin Powell: Justin is working on a $1500 shortfall for the international grant. The project entails building three wells, three public toilets, and a series of water stations in a Madagascar village with 3,000-4,000 people who have no close access to water.

6.      Polio Pig: $136 was donated to Polio Pig.

7.      Upcoming Key Events

·         Saturdays in February – Refugee computer assistance at SLCC Meadowbrook Campus. See sign-up sheet sent by Rose Defa, secretary
·         No February Social
·         March 2 or 9 – Social:  “Rotary – Get Connected.” Members will work on their profiles on RI and the online payment system.
·         March 2 and 9 – business meetings, Cottonwood Club, 5:30 pm
·         March 6 – Board meeting at Shannon Tilly’s
·         March 10 - 11 PETS and Assembly – training for Extended Board and other members that want to learn more about Rotary

·         March 23 – delivery of Kindles to Woodrow Wilson Community Center

Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 2, 2017 Business Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Jayne Barnett, Chris Casper, Stephanie Chard, Rose Defa, Jennie Ferguson, Marty Gelman, Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic, Susan Marks, Rebekah Meads, Anita Miner, Justin Powell, Danny Schoenfeld, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Shannon Tilly, Sonia Woodbury

Guests: Melissa Abaltos, Megan Dole, Ronda Eiting, Lynn Jennings, Lisa Norton, Dina Plaia, Lilliana White

1.      Call to Order, Four-Way Test, and Guest Introductions – Chris Casper

2.      Operation Santa Read-Out – Jose Velasco, Midvale Rotary: Jose reported on the success of the Operation Santa project. He presented an award to Chris for the Rotary of Millcreek’s contribution to the event.

3.      Interact Update – Sonia reported on behalf of Mustafa: Many City Academy students attended the business meeting. Mustafa talked about the opportunities offered by Rotary; students asked questions and some stayed for the pizza party to meet members and learn more about Rotary. Mustafa emailed Emmery offering Millcreek Club support to help re-energize the Interactor Club at City Academy.

Lynn Jennings, a former Interactor at City Academy, is the USA delegate for the Miss United Nations Pageant. She hopes to start some big projects and wants to highlight Rotary to elementary, junior high, and high school students. Shannon asked how we could be best involved with the Interactors. Chris suggested we introduce Lynn to the District for ways to help with re-energizing other Interactor clubs.

Anna, president-elect for the Midvale Rotaractors spoke to the Millcreek club about a fundraiser for Kearns High School students whose only meal during the day may be school lunch. The Rotaractors are selling chocolate-dipped strawberries to raise funds; the service includes delivery; she left a flyer and order form

Local Service Update – Jennie: Many have participated in the refugee computer assistance project. The Center has asked us to help up to the March 4 graduation. They also asked us help with the graduation ceremony. Members discussed the wide variety of help we can provide at the classes – mostly to make sure they can move along with the class and don’t get lost. The members discussed the possibility of helping with the purchase of badly needed new computers.  These are the proposed projects through the rest of this fiscal year:
March:  Reading to the students who receive the Kindles at Woodrow Wilson Community Center.
April: Painting planter boxes for Veterans
May: Cesar’s Mothers Day Project
June: Yard work at the Aviary

4.      Kindle Project/PETS and Assembly – Margareta: Kindles will be delivered soon to Woodrow Wilson Community Center. They will be programmed when we do our service project there in March. Margareta says we will continue to apply for District grants. A grant to help fund buying computers for the refugee computer classes is one possibility. Frank Lilly will be going to PETS; Assembly is especially for club leaders and members. The link to learn more about registering for Assembly will be included with the minutes.

5.      Social Update: Laurie Summers and Danny Schoenfeld: The social will be organized to help members with Auto Pay and is tentatively scheduled for February 24.

6.      Youthlinc Sponsorship – Lilliana White and Megan Dole: Lilliana is the recipient of the Youthlinc Sponsorship. The Youthlinc trip is to Cambodia. Justin explained that Youthlinc provides opportunities for high school students to devote 80 hours of service with a capstone of an international trip. Youthlinc partners with Rotary on some projects like this. Margareta noted that adults could go as mentors as well. Lilliana currently does service at Shriners hospital every Thursday.  

7.      Polio Pig:  members and guests donated $83.75
Upcoming Key Events
1.      February 2 – Business Meeting, Cottonwood Club
2.      Saturdays in February: Refugee computer assistance at SLCC Meadowbrook
3.      February 6 – Board Meeting at Laurie’s home
4.      February 9 – Business Meeting, Cottonwood Club. Speaker, Gerald Brown, Director of Refugee Services, Dept of Workforce Services
5.      February 24 (tentative) – Social:  “Rotary – Get Connected.” Members will work on their profiles on RI and the online payment system.
6.      March 10 – 11 PETS and Assembly Training for Extended Board

Monday, February 6, 2017

Minutes of our Business meeting with our Interactors at City Academy

Business Meeting
January 26, 2017
City Academy, Salt Lake City

Attendees: Jayne Barnett, Rose Defa, Jennie Ferguson, Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic, Anita Miner, Danny Schoenfeld, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Shannon Tilly, Judy Zone

Guests: 11 Interactors from City Academy

Meeting began at 3: 40 pm

1.      Call to Order, Four-Way Test, and Guest Introductions – Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic

2.      Introduction: Members and Interactors

3.      Local Service Update: Judy talked about the refugee projects and highlighted the DWS refugee tutoring at SLCC. She suggested it might of interest to Inteactors; she invited them to help tutor. One of the City Academy teachers talked about the student who are teaching English to refugees at the Utah Islamic Center.

4.      Social Update: Laurie Summers and Danny Schoenfeld. The social will be organized to help members with Auto Pay for the third or fourth Thursday in February.

5.      Rotary Spotlight – Jayne Barnett. Jayne was born here in Salt Lake. She joined Rotary in October excited about the club and the people. She has worked for The Group (a real estate company) for 30 years. She has two children, 17 and 21. She volunteered while they were growing up but now wants to do more in the way of service.

6.      Interact/Rotaract/Rotary – Mustafa Celebi. Mustafa emphasized that Rotary is about people who get together to enjoy each other’s company and to do local and international service projects. He talked about the advantages of Rotary for doing good deeds, making friends, and increasing your network. Rotarians not only want to mentor young people, but want them to “bug” them, meaning, ask them for help.

7.      Pizza party followed the meeting where members interacted with the students.
Upcoming Key Events
1.      January 28 to March 4 – Saturday computer mentoring
2.      February 6 – Board Meeting, Laurie Summers home
3.      February 2 – Business Meeting, Cottonwood Club
4.      February 9 – Business Meeting, Cottonwood Club. Speaker, Gerald Brown, Director of Refugee Services, Dept of Workforce Services
5.      February Social 24 (tentative)  “Rotary – Get Connected.” Members will work on their profiles on RI and the online payment system.

Three Millcreek Rotarians at March for Refugees

 Our club president-elect, Margaret Vlasic, our International Service Chair, Justin Powell, and member of our membership committee, Bekah Meads, participated in the March for Refugees on Saturday February 4 at the Utah State Capitol. Many other club members were there in spirit.