Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Our service projects for August & September

August 2014
The service project for August will be with short notice as the date is set for next Thursday August 7th.

A friend of mine, Angie Rowland is the Principal of the new International Charter School. Angie has asked us if we can help them expanding and moving in to a new wing of their building, including about four classrooms and some open space. Granite School District has left it pretty dirty and it would be great if we could come in and help them do a thorough cleaning. Angie might invite students to help, which would expand the work force and also give our group a chance to meet some of their fine students. This would also be a great opportunity for our younger Rotarians to participate. 
The project could be expanded to include installing white boards and moving furniture if we get a large group to participate. There can also be other opportunities for service projects during the year if we are interested. I am thinking of a book drive for their library as a less hands-on project later in the year.

Utah International is a public charter junior high and high school which opened on August 21, 2013 at 350 East Baird Circle (3605 South) in the city of South Salt Lake. Their mission is to provide a rigorous and relevant education for secondary students interested in global perspectives, including recently arrived immigrants, refugees, and native English speakers.

I will let you know the exact time when I have coordinated with Angie and her staff. Please let me know if you can participate so that I can give the school an idea about how many people will show up. They also ask that we, if possible, bring tools (specifically drills that plug in) and that we wear clothes that can get dusty/dirty:) I will take a look at the site during the coming week so that I can give you some more detailed information.

September 2014
Our next project is set for Friday September 12 when our club will participate in the Hydrocephalus Association (HA) and the local hydrocephalus community as we get together to support the largest non-profit organization dedicated solely to hydrocephalus. SarahAnn Whitbeck from the Hydrocephalus Association visited one of our meetings for those of you who missed the interesting presentation.

Please take a look and register through their web-site .
Registration is free and we have a Millcreek Rotary Club team set up for you to join.  The Hydrocephalus Association welcome any donations when you register or at the race and we can also volunteer at the race if there is interest. We have time to discuss in which form we want to participate at our next business meeting.

The walk is being held at Murray Park Pavillion #5, 296 E. Murray Park Avenue in Murray and the schedule for the afternoon/ evening is as follows:

9/12/2014 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Opening Ceremonies
9/12/2014 6:00 pm - 6:15 pm
7th Annual Salt Lake City WALK 269 Murray Park Avenue Murray, Utah 84107
9/12/2014 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Closing Ceremonies
9/12/2014 7:30 pm - 7:45 pm

Looking forward to seeing you at one or both of these service opportunities.

Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic

Service Chair, Rotary Club of Millcreek

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Meeting Minutes July 17, 2014

Small but sincere attendance: Danny Schoenfeld, Laurie Pisani, Judy Zone, Shannon Tilly, Susan Marks, Charles Boynton. One guest: Alan Andersen, a potential new member.

Laurie Pisani will send out a text or email to members asking them to rsvp for the Aug 23 pool party at Linda Book’s home (see Upcoming Events) Let her know if you are bringing an appetizer, salad or dessert.

Angie Rowland, the Principal of the new International Charter School, has asked us if we can help them open the facility, moving in, cleaning, etc. sometime at the beginning of August. We have set a club service project for Thursday August 7th. More information to come from either Danny or Frank.

We discussed that we missed our long standing partnership with Sunnyvale Welcome Center L Unfortunately, since Ellie Goldberg left, we have been unable to get a partnership going with the new director. 

Members asked if we could have Ellie Goldberg, who is currently working with women refugees on business initiatives, to come and speak to our club. President Frank would like to table this request till our October Service Retreat. Btw, Susan Marks will help Frank with the Retreat.

Susan and Shannon discussed the membership committee and the need for one more member of that committee. Also, the membership committee will call our members and ask them personally if they can come to the Mayor Ben McAdams program (and Membership Meeting) on Sept 11 and bring a friend.

We also talked about the importance of every single member attending the District Governor visit on August 28.

Alan Andersen, a potential new member and a Salt Lake tax attorney, introduced himself and talked a little about his background.

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves what Rotary is and why we joined.

Really meaningful words from the President of Patong Beach Rotary Club, Thailand.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Minutes of July 10, 2014 Club Business Meeting

  1. Welcome new members Rose Defa and Amanda Torres!
  2. Rotary Moment: Susan Marks and Laurie Pisani shared about wearing your pin, and how folks notice and ask you about it. Judy shared about traveling internationally & visiting Rotary Clubs & how that makes you understand how big Rotary is.
  3. Reminder about Installation event at the Dodo this Saturday July 12 2-4pm. $30 p/p.
  4. Linda Book’s swim party is on Saturday August 23, 6pm. Pot luck details to follow.
  5. Random suggestions: Mustafa is an expert on clean energy and should present sometime. Perhaps the club should get polo or t-shirts.
  6. Frank needs assistance in planning our Strategic Planning Retreat for October.
  7. Our guest speaker was Sarah Ann Whitbeck, who suffers from hydrocephalus, and is a volunteer for the Hydrocephalus Association. She discusses the disease which has no cure, the age groups it effects, and the difficulties someone with the disease must struggle with. There is a Hydrocephalus Walk at Murray Park on Friday, Sept 12, registration at 5pm and walk at 6:15pm. Our club will support as our September service project.
  8. Miriam discussed Chapter 2 of the Century of Service book on Rotary. This chapter talked about how Paul Harris started Rotary in Chicago as a networking group in 1905. The name “Rotary” grew out of the early club members’ decision to ‘rotate’ their meetings between each others’ offices. The membership grew and became quite exclusive. The organization got bad press because the membership seemed elite and only interesting in furthering their own business success. In response, the first Rotary Club took on service projects in the community as a core value. After one year, there were 140 members of the club.
  9. Wine into Water update (Friday, Sept 26 starting at 5:30pm $50 p/p – members there at 4pm to set up):
  • Judy reviewed the importance of members using the online payment system we will have to secure RSVPs before the event. Pay by credit card or check, but send names to Laura Egbert (Ladd’s accountant) beforehand to ease check-in. Invitations should be ready in mid-August.
  • Frank will talk to Instant Payments about the system, and will make sure Laura Egbert or Ladd are good with downloading the excel format ‘backend’ of the webpage and adding RSVPs to ease check-in.
  • Frank will recruit members for check-in.
  • Ladd will secure wine and a sommelier from Pago, Jason will secure wine and a sommelier from Kiler Grove, Steve Barth will work with High West,  Laurie will get Wasatch Academy of Wines and one other wine tasting station that John Zone will pay for. We need Paul for grape juice!
  • Rose Defa will ask her son to be our background musician. Plan B is the Barth’s neighbor.
  • Laurie will pick up the 4 tables from the Youthlinc office.
  • Andrea will bring a water dispenser and will donate 100 wine glasses for the event.
  • Danny will buy two pop up tents for club use for this fundraiser going forward.
  • Please check Judy’s previous email for your job for the event, and start asking friends to come!
  1. Our July service project is the Rotary RAW bike race in Logan on Saturday July 26. Contact Shannon Tilly if you want to go
  2. We raised $31.54 in Happy $$ towards polio relief in the Polio Pig tonight.

See you on July  17 5:30pm at CafĂ© Madrid.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

2013-2014 Rotary Club of Millcreek accomplishments!

In preparation for our installation dinner of our new Board this Saturday, here is a run down of all our club accomplished this past Rotary Year:

Local service
Continued our commitment to Sunnyvale Welcome Center
     ‘Winter Games’, trip to the Leonardo, babysitting during financial literacy lessons for parents, participated in Girl Scout cookie drive, 
      donated hundreds of dollars in items: hygiene supplies, books and school supplies, socks, and ‘reward’ items.
 Participated in golf for diabetes, ‘Purge the Spurge’, donated benches
       for the Jordan River.

International service
Used funds from our annual fundraiser, Wine into Water, to fund
      one deep water well in Cambodia in partnership with Logan Rotary Club 
      and the Rotary Club of Pursat, Cambodia.
·         Entered into a Global Grant proposal with Logan Rotary Club for water 
       and sanitation projects along the Amazon River in Peru.

Club service
·         Grew in membership by 4
·         Had socials every month at different members’ homes
Attended Memphis the Musical, a cooking class, and a Cuban dinner
·         Held our Wine into Water fundraiser, with over 100 in attendance. All club members participated again in some way to make the event a huge success, raising over $5,000 for water projects.

Vocational service
·         Held a professional and personal mentoring meeting with our Rotaracters
·         Had members share about their professions and their lives at our business meetings

Youth service
Supported a Rotaract Club (college Rotary) and an Interact Club (high school Rotary)
·         Sponsored a Youthlinc Service Year student (a member’s daughter) in her local service and international service to Kenya.

Rotary service
·         Had ‘Rotary moments’ at club meetings to learn about the history of 
·         Members attended District Conference and Northern Assembly
      One member attended the Rotary International Conference in Lisbon, Portugal