Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Saturday, July 22, 2017

July and August service projects!

Thank you to everyone who supported the Ronald McDonald House service project this month. We had 13 members and a guest put on a delicious spread that served about 50 family members staying there with children facing a medical crisis.  It was a success: we impacted 50 lives, we had great participation by the club, and a beautiful opportunity to get to visit with each other! Thank you to Jennie for organizing this activity.

Linda Book has suggested a project for August that supports the Utah Donor Registry.  If you can come, we can help those who are in need of organ transplants and honor organ donors. You would be responsible for registering yourself for either the 5K "dash” or the 2K walk. You can also volunteer for setup. If you register for the Primary Children’s Team (It’s Go Time”) we could represent the Club as a group. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Here  are the details and a link to the registration site.
Sugarhouse Park on August 5 at 8 am. Registration and shirts: 7 am
$25 before July 29 and $30 afterwards. Includes shirt.
Register under the Primary Children's Team "It's Go Time” at
Volunteers also appreciated for set up 6 am.

For more information about the Utah Donor Registry and the event: or google Dash for Donation Utah 2017.

The Service Committee will present a number of projects to club members for the coming year during our August business meetings. Stay tuned!

Here are some pics from the Ronald McDonald service project:

Save the Date to Celebrate: Women in Rotary! All Clubs Luncheon October 7

Business Meeting Minutes, July 13, 2017

Attendees: Jayne Barnett, Chris Casper, Dianne Cochrane, Rose Defa, Jennie Ferguson, Marty Gelman, Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic, Frank Lilly, Anita Miner, Colby Rider, Danny Schoenfeld, Erica Wolff, Michelle Wright
Guests: Gene Cochrane

1. Call to Order, Four Way Test and Introduction of Guests - Margareta
2. Welcome to Magnolia Darlene and Eowyn Virginia, Justin and Britnie’s darling little twin girls!
3. Introduction of new member Erica Wolff – Margareta – Erica was sponsored by Margareta. Margareta awarded Erica with her new member folder, pin and flag, gave the group a brief intro about Erica – She is from Sweden, loves traditions, outdoors, photography, loves to visit Sweden and traveling with her husband, Roger and their family. Group welcomed her as RCOM latest member!
4. W2W 2017 Planning, Invitation – Margareta, Chris, Dianne – Setting up Face Book Event Page – Michelle Wright will be the administrator. Chris and Dianne are working on the invitation. Dianne’s son in NY has volunteered to get it set up for free. It should be ready in the next couple of days. Jayne talked about some concern from members about not having enough food. It was discussed among the group and decided the food will be adjusted as numbers start coming in for ticket sales. Still need a volunteer(s) for flowers. Approx. 25 small center pieces needed for tables etc. (No volunteers yet)
5. Club Finances – Frank – Frank went over the budget in great detail. It was discussed and voted on unanimously to adopt the budget. Chris motioned for the vote and Rose 2nded it.
6. Global Grants (International Service) – Frank – funded 2 wells. Frank reminded the group that Rotary International charges 5% for the grants. Pictures of Cambodia project will be included in the marketing efforts of W2W 2017.
7. Social Update – Frank – Frank reminded every one of the Picnic and hike in Big Cottonwood Canyon on Sunday, July 23, 2017. Hike at 1:00 PM at (Brighton Ski parking lot), picnic at 5:30 PM at Spruces. Frank is providing burgers and brats and everyone else will provide sides etc. He will send out a reminder and details.
8. District Luncheon – Jayne – Save the Date for All Clubs luncheon on Sat. October 7, 2017, Celebrating 30 years of Women in Rotary. Details to follow.
9. RYLA – Margareta - RYLA is in need of clubs volunteering to help with this event Sept. 16-18th, Margareta will talk to Brian Rollo about getting youth club volunteers to help.

• July 23 – Picnic and hike with Frank in the mountains; hike at 1:00 PM (Brighton Ski Resort parking lot), picnic at 5:30 pm at the Spruces Campground
• August 3 – Business Meeting CCC 5:30 PM
• August 5 - “Dash for Donation” Run/Walk, Sugarhouse Park, registration starts 7 AM (Linda)
• August 10 – DG Bev Christy to visit Millcreek Rotary Club, CCC (Board meeting at 4:30 PM, Business Meeting at 5:30 PM)
• August 17 – Installation Dinner6 PM Café Niche – Chris

Minutes of July 6, 2017 Business meeting

Attendees: Jayne Barnett, Linda Book, Chris Casper, Dianne Cochrane, Rose Defa, Ronda Eiting, Jennie Ferguson, Marty Gelman, Margareta Hjorth-Vlasic, Frank Lilly, Susan Marks, Anita Miner, Danny Schoenfeld, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Shannon Tilly, Erica Wolff, Michelle Wright, John Zone, Judy Zone
Guests: Gene Cochrane

1. Call to Order, Four Way Test and Introduction of Guests - Margareta
2. Introduction to Rotary Year 2017/2017 – Margareta – looking forward to a great year! President – Margareta, Secretary – Jayne, Treasurer and Pres-elect – Frank, Assistant Treasurer – Danny
3. Thank you to Chris – Margareta – Praised Chris for a job well done and preparing her to be president.
4. Update – New committee organization and goal setting: Service – Chairman – Rose Defa, 4 Co-Chairs: Jayne Barnett, Chris Casper, Jennie Ferguson, Marty Gelman Social – Laurie Summers-Pisani, Co-Chairs: Diane Cochrane, Dave Ruprecht, Danny Schoenfeld, Erica Wolff Membership - Chairman – Shannon Tilly, Co-Chairs: Anita Miner, Ronda Eiting, Michelle Wright Youth Club - Chairman – Brian Rollo, Co-Chair: Colby Rider Foundation – Chairman – Chris Casper (Susan training) International Service – Justin Powell PR and Media – Judy Zone. Goal Setting – Judy spoke about approaching Millcreek City to create a liaison with them. Susan knows the mayor and his wife and will reach out to them. Possible booth at the Millcreek Night Out.
5. District Grant Application – Chris Application was due July 1, 2017 and was submitted (mailed) on July 1, 2017. Focus on women refugees at Sunnyvale Neighborhood Center – Financial and Service, laptop computers and color printer w/maintenance $1,000.00 Frank knew someone for the maintenance. Laurie and Chris took refugee family a 4th of July BBQ on Monday, July 3, 2017. It was appreciated and a big hit! Clothes needed for
2 of the refugee children: Jean Claude – 5th grader (size 9 clothing and size 2 boy’s shoes) Natasha – 3rd grader (size 8 regular clothing and 13 shoe size)
6. Service Update – July - Picnic at Ronald McDonald House on Saturday, July 15th (not July 22nd) from 11-1:30. Food must be store bought or ingredients purchased and made on sight. Jennie passed around a sign-up sheet for food assignments. August – Dash for Donation Run/Walk, Saturday, August 5th from 8-10:30am at Sugarhouse Park. We will be teaming up with Primary Children’s Hospital (Linda Book) They need volunteers for several different things: set up, registration etc. Linda will send an email with registration information etc. Registration fee is $25.00.
7. Update on Social – Laurie: (June) Top Golf was very fun! Danny and friend, Dave, Laurie and Dave and Jayne attended. July – Frank, Sunday, July 23rd Brighton Lakes hike (optional) and picnic at Spruces. 1:00pm hike, meet at Brighton parking lot, picnic at Spruces Campground 5:30pm. (See Frank’s email sent on 06/10/17 for more info)
8. Wine2Water – Purchase Tickets – Susan – Susan discussed the club’s expectations of each member for this event: Buy 2 tickets or donate $100.00 in addition selling 4 additional tickets to friends and family, In-kind donations etc. Everyone is expected to help the night of the event. Email will be sent with invitation and link to instant payment for members to mail out to preferred list of friends and family. Resending save the date email. Tickets are $50.00. Goal is to raise $13,000.
9. New Public Image – North (District Newsletter) – Judy – Judy is looking to change up the newsletter to include more club focus.
10. Update from Marty’s trip to Eastern Europe – Visited Rotary Club of Riga, they have 7 members, showed his flag that they had given him, recruiting is a problem for them, they are developing social clubs for special needs children, he shared Millcreek’s model with them and they liked it.
11. Key dates to put on your calendar – Margareta

• July 10 – Board Meeting – Margareta
• July 13 – Business Meeting CCC
• July 15 – Service Project, Ronald McDonald House – Jennie
• July 23 – Picnic and hike organized, Spruces camp ground – Frank
• August 3 – Business Meeting CCC
• August 5 - Dash for Donation, Sugarhouse Park – Linda
• August 10 – DG Bev Christy to visit Millcreek Rotary Club, CCC (Board meeting at 4:30 PM, Business Meeting at 5:30 PM)
• August 17 – Installation Dinner at Café Niche – Chris

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tracy Aviary service project is our club's thank you for their hosting our Wine into Water fundraiser

Some pics from our service project at Tracy Aviary. We were a small group (Jennie, Chris, Margareta, Erica, Jayne, Laurie and Marty) led by Jesse from the Aviary. We cleaned the stream from  algae and got a nice tour of the Aviary by Jesse. Thanks to all who participated, and thanks again to the Aviary for their generosity toward our club!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Save the Date & here's some background on Wine into Water!

Some of our new members have asked about our annual fundraiser Wine into Water, Friday September 8th this year. With Judy Zone as Chair for the event this year we have already received our assignments, but I will just give some additional information about our event for those who are new to our Club.
Key bullets and a brief history on Wine Into Water:
  • Clean water is the biggest need in our modern world
  • Millcreek Club decided to partner with other Rotary Clubs in Utah, apply for International grants, and provide clean water in impoverished villages – Justin Powell is our club’s international service chair. We have held five fundraisers and supported International Projects in a new country each year. This year, the country is Cambodia.
  • We provide the clean water station, check on the projects, AND provide education which is essential for success
  • Our Club came up with the idea several years ago as a play on words – drink some wine, and your donation goes to water, thus the name Wine Into Water
  • There are also non-alcoholic beverages available, and really great food (light music is playing – just a lovely evening)
  • The event is at Tracy Aviary again this year.
  • I speak for a few minutes, followed by Justin. He gives an update on the projects- we keep it short and sweet – planning on 7:00
  • Attending guests will receive a free ‘come back to the Aviary voucher’ when they check in, so they can come another time and enjoy the Aviary
  • We have a bird trainer that will walk the event from 6-630 with some sort of bird.
  • The Aviary is open for our guests to roam during the party; however, W2W is set up just east of the front gates – the check in workers will guide your guests.
Below is a photo that explains the whole reason we do this fundraiser. Please also refer to the Save the Date flyer when you invite your friends to this great event. Invites coming soon!
Happy Fundraising!
President 2017-2018

Rotary Club of Millcreek 

Millcreek Rotary submits a Rotary District Grant to help Sunnyvale Center

·         District Grant focus for 2017/18 year will again be on woman, children and refugees.

·        We have the opportunity to submit a district grant to secure funds for a laptop (to be used by the leaders at the Sunnyvale Center to facilitate after-school programs).  The current facilitators are working from very old desktops that cannot access school programs, websites, etc. plus a desktop provides limited ability to move around and help the children in the program.   This investment would be for the Center for now and the future. 

       If we can secure enough funds, we will also request a color printer for the Center.  Per the leader, the children have a lot of homework and reports that need color printing and they do not have one at the center (we would secure a donation from a local print shop to service and donate color cartridges)

·        The District Grants require a monetary donation as noted above, and a roll up your sleeves and help project.  For the ‘do some good’ part of the project, we will support a new program called "Venture to Sunnyvale Park."  During the Sunnyvale Farmer's Market, Saturdays, June 10 to October 14th, 12 - 3 p.m.,  the Sunnyvale Park is packed with children (30 to 60), most from a refugee background.  Two years ago, Sunnyvale and Salt Lake County began to provide organized activities for the children. We would volunteer during a Saturday to provide activities for the children.  On the same day, we would make our donation to the Center.