Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Ensign Peak Hike, August 23, 2018

We "smoked" an evening hike to Ensign Peak with our friends from Catholic Community Services.  #smokegetsinyoureyes
Monumental Cheer!


Kings of the Mountain

A room with a view

Out standing in our field

Business Meeting Minutes

August 9, 2018

Attendees:  Joe Ballsteadt, Jayne Barnett, Linda Book, Chris Casper, Dave Chasse, Denise Chassé, Julie Chassé, , Rose Defa, Ronda Eiting, Julie Jones, Tim Jones,  Justin Powell, Dave Ruprecht, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Erica Wolff
Guests:  Rian Trombetti, Emma Holbrook
Business Items:
1.      Call to order, Four-Way Test
2.      Youthlinc presentations – our guests, Rian and Emma described their experiences volunteering in Kenya and Fiji, respectively.  One of the things that stood out for both of them was how happy these people were with what very little they had. Home visits were another favorite for the girls because the people told them what they loved about their country, what work they did to provide for their families, and how they had access to water. The girls mixed and laid concrete, dug septic tanks for toilets and made a mural for the people to remember them by.   The girls were very grateful for the financial help from Rotary Club, which made their trip possible.

3.      Wine into Water Updates
a.      Food Committee – Jayne and Julie J. reported that the number for Utah Food Services was increased to 150.  We’re still in need of appetizers.  Please sign up on the link Julie Jones sent out.  Plan to bring enough for 50 people.
b.      Beverage Committee – Laurie reported UFS will provide lemonade and water. Wines from France, Italy and NY state will be featured.  Laurie has the list and plans to get the wine in the next week or so.  If you would like to donate towards purchase of the wines, please contact Laurie.
c.      Task Committee – Rose reminded everyone to bring serving utensils with your dish and please plate your dish ahead of the event.
d.      Wine Pull & Opportunity drawing- Ronda indicated she has received only 24 bottles of wine to-date.  She had hoped to have each member donate 2 bottles in order to make the wine pull work.  Please contact Ronda if you can help turn this around.  As a minimum, please bring wine to the Sept 6th business meeting.  Ronda also asked for donations of weekend away or something along those lines for the opportunity drawing.
e.      RSVP – Dave reported 58 total attendees have signed up, and that we all need to pitch in to make our 237-persons attendance goal happen.  Dave asked that we all remind our invitees to please get signed up.  The link to purchase tickets is provided below, for your convenience:

f.       Signage – Joe volunteered to work with a friend to get signage made for free.  We brainstormed what signs we would like, and had a lot of good ideas.  Chris volunteered to coordinate final wording with Joe.
4.      August Service Event – Chris is leading a hike with refugee children to Ensign Peak on August 23.  She will send out details including trailhead location via email.  
5.      Next Business Meeting - Sept 6 @ CCC, 5:30 p.m.

2018-2019 RCOM Board President Installation Ceremony, August 2, 2018

 We enjoyed a delicious dinner at Caffe Niche and celebrated the installation of our 2018-2019 club President, Jayne Barnett

Sunday, August 12, 2018

July 28, 2018 Annual Hike and Picnic - Brighton Lakes and Spruces Campground

 Future Rotarians

 Bring on the burgers, Frank!

Lake Mary, Brighton Utah

 Business Meeting Minutes June 7, 2018
Attendees: Jayne Barnett, Dave Chasse, Denise Chasse, Rose Defa, Ronda Eiting, Frank Lilly, Susan Marks, Danny Schoenfeld
Visitors: Joseph Ballstaedt
Four Way Test
Of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
• Visitor Introductions – Joe is an attorney, just moved back from Idaho, originally from the Cottonwood Heights area. Was advised to seek out and join a rotary club.
• Finance Update – Danny – will give update at the June 14th business meeting.
Presidential Citation Status Report – We did it! – Frank – Explained that this is an award of recognition for clubs meeting certain things and goals. It is something the club pursues every year; each member contributes at least $100.00 to the Rotary Foundation each year. Second year Millcreek Club has been awarded the citation.
• Strategic Planning Discussion – Frank – Come up with a plan for next year. Susan – the club has been around for 7 years, where do we want to go as a club? Continue to work with Refugees – possibly Promise Millcreek program that serves refugee and immigrant families in the Millcreek area. Come up with a Signature thing for the club to focus on plus do other things as well. Come up with a vision for the distribution of club funds to service. (giving more) Members talked about homelessness, hunger and helping people being important in the future.
• Committee Updates
1. Service – Jayne – All set for the Burrito Project on Thursday, June 21st at 5:30 PM.
2. Social – Jayne – Dinner at Frida’s Bistro after Burrito Project on June 21st. Reservation made for 6:45 PM for 15 people.
3. Membership – Ronda – Ann Hart has joined. Need to finish up paperwork and pay dues. Joe was visiting club to check it out.
4. Foundation – Susan – Still in transition to Chris.
 5. Wine into Water – Opportunity Drawing/Wine Pull/Basket – Ronda –shared idea of a wine pull where people attending by a raffle ticket for a chance to win a bottle of wine. Wine price ranging from $15.00 & up. Great way to engage people. Will be doing another Wine Basket for the opportunity drawing also need a few more larger items for this. 3-4 total. Members will be asked to contribute a bottle of wine for the basket or contribute cash. (optional)
Upcoming Events
a. June 21st - Service/Social – Burrito Project and dinner
b. June 28th Service 2018/19 Planning Meeting

d. Business Meeting July 12th Cottonwood Country Club 5:30 PM
e. July 28th Social – Hike and Picnic Spruces Campground
f. July Service Project TBD
g. Installation Dinner - TBD
Business Meeting Minutes, July 12, 2018

Attendees:  Joe Ballsteadt, Jayne Barnett, Denise Chassé, Julie Chassé, Dianne Cochrane, Rose Defa, Ronda Eiting, Julie Jones, Frank Lily, Susan Marks, Justin Powell, Danny Schoenfeld, Judy Zone
Guests:  None
Business Items:
1.      Call to order, Four-Way Test - Jayne presided as Club President for the first time!
2.      Pinning of new members – Ronda welcomed Joe and Julie
a.      Joe Ballstaedt
b.      Julie Chassé
3.      Wine into Water
a.      Jayne and Julie indicated we need 15 volunteers to commit to bring interesting, substantial appetizers for 35-50 people to the event.  The food needs to be prepared and ready to serve on a nice serving dish/platter, with serving utensils.  A sign-up sheet was passed around at the meeting.  If you weren’t at the meeting, but are willing to help by bringing food, please email Jayne.
b.      Ronda reminded everyone to bring a bottle of wine to each business meeting for the wine pull.
c.      Denise reported that 23 guests (4 are club members) have registered and paid online so far.  The invitation will be sent out soon, but you need not wait for it!  Please register yourself and your significant other as soon as possible!  The link to purchase tickets is provided below, for your convenience:

4.      Installation Dinner - Aug 2 at Café Niche, time to be announced.
5.      Committee News - One of our newest members, Joe Ballstaedt, has agreed to serve as our Foundation Committee chair for 2018.  Thank you, Joe!
6.      July Social and Service Event - Frank reminded us of our upcoming picnic (social event) on July 28th at 5:30 p.m. at Spruces campground.  Please bring canned or dried food items for the Utah Food Bank (service project).  For those who would like to hike before the picnic, meet in the Brighton Ski Resort parking lot at 1:30 p.m.
7.      Next Business Meeting – August 2 at Café Niche, 200 S. 900 East in SLC, in conjunction with the Installation Dinner.  Time TBA.