(Minutes were taken by Miriam and transcribed by Megan)
We were called to order with a ring of the gong.
There were 14 members present: Marty Gelman, Laura Rogers, Marlin Clark, Mustafa Can Celebi, Margareta Vlasic, Peter Ingle, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Kim Williams, Annie Nielson, Jennie Ferguson, Pablo Fiesta, Susan Marks, Megan Dunn, Miriam Kramer
* New Member Announcement: Kim Williams got her application in!! Whoo hoo!! We're so lucky to have her join us.
* Members introduced their guests:
~ Ashley Rinehart (guest of Megan Dunn)
~ Alyson Brennon (guest of Susan Marks)
~ Beverly Christy (Assistant District Governor)
* Pablo and Marlin were recognized for their Rotary ads and how handsome they looked!
* Miriam spoke about the Citizenship Class with the Bhutanese community. It will be held at the LDS church (2280 South 300 East), Saturday February 18th. The class will be held from 5:30-6:30 pm. Afterwards, everyone will go to dinner at Fiddlers Elbow (1063 East 2100 South). The following members volunteered to attend the class: Susan Marks, Kim Williams, Laurie Summers-Pisani, Annie Nielsen, Peter Ingle, Margareta Vlasic, Mustafa Celebi, Laura Rogers. If you would like to help out, please email President Megan (megan@xmission.com) ASAP!!
Just for fun... try taking the Citizenship Test.
* Speed Mentoring is going to be held on February 24th from 6-8pm at Westminster College. Please refer to previous post for details (Rotaract Speed Mentoring). We will be meeting with a diverse group of students with all different backgrounds. Assistant Governor, Bev Christy, added that even though you may not have the same career, you can still have input on what your major is (probably not related to the field you are in now) and how experience in any field is good to add to a resume. We should be helping them on how to network, get all sorts of training (paid and unpaid) and build their portfolios.
* We briefly spoke about Westminster's Rotaract and the Community Based Rotaract (which is being sponsored by Salt Lake Rotary Club). If you know of any college students, please refer them to either Jerika or Colleen Malouf.
* Our February Social will be held on February 23, 2012 from 6-8pm at Kiler Grove Winegrowers (53 West Truman Ave). The cost will be $5 for members and $10 for guests.
* Fundraisers: We had a great discussion about fundraisers our club could have for our club.
~ Assistant Governor Bev Christy presented an idea for our club to work with other clubs in our area to do an Art Auction. We talked about having local artists featured and having them receive 70% of the profits and 30% going to the clubs. Possible date of April 21st. We will talk with Caputo's and Trolley Square for getting space donated.
~Also talked about doing a Frisbee Golf tournament in May/June. We will look into this and talk more at our March Business meeting.
* International Service Chair, Peter, talked to us more on the RI Grants. After some digging (thanks Judy for your help), we found that, right now, our club is too small and the task too daunting for us. We have decided to focus on District Grants for now. Possibly to work on projects in Thailand.
* Susan Marks, our amazing Rotary Learning educator, presented us with a Rotary Learning quiz consisting of 20 questions. Please refer to prior emails, Rotary International website, and Rotary Club of Millcreek blog. Susan is also looking into using her office space in Sugarhouse. They have a conference room that holds 30 people. It has a large counter, tables, chairs and tons of parking. She will let us know what she hears.
* Susan wanted to commend Judy and Megan for their work on Facebook and the blog. We are getting the word out and people in the District are taking notice. Everyone is welcome to post something. Please do!
The meeting adjourned and all those who wanted to ring the gong, could do so for $1. We received $32.

PS - Special shout out to Laurie Summers-Pisani for picking up food for the night. It was AMAZING!! And if you weren't there to sample some of her homemade sugar cookies... YOU MISSED OUT!!

It was such a great evening. Thanks for transcribing the minutes Megan! You're the best.
ReplyDeleteMissed you all... was attending the Sterling Scholar banquet. If we have an art auction, do the artists have to be famous?
ReplyDeleteAn art auction is a very classy event, however, the ones I have seen do not make much money :-( I've been involved in three... and three strikes you're out in my book... Sorry, Bev! They are a lot of work, it is hard to get people there (most people -- in any economy, but especially in this economy) are not buying art, and the ones who come are 'looking'... there for the 'classiness' of it. I would like to suggest some lower up-front budget events with a much higher yield at the end... I'll talk about it next business meeting...