Doll of Hope Service Project

Doll of Hope Service Project
Making Dolls for Refugees Worldwide

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Our member, Dr. Linda Book, encourages us to consider Donate Life & organ donation promotion as a core service project

Dear Rotary Club of Millcreek members:

Here are some thoughts about how our Rotary Club could really make a difference and even save lives by assisting the Donate Life group in Utah.  Visit the website When organizations like ours promote organ donation it increases credibiity and interest.

My colleague, Dr. Terry Box, who is formally involved in this group, gives a compelling presentation. We should consider having him visit the club. Another speaker could be Dixie Madsen,
Public Education Coordinator, Intermountain Donor Services.
Here are some other ways we could engage with Donate Life:

On Saturday, August 11 we can go as a group to the Dash for Donation 5K walk/run at Sugarhouse Park. Rotaracters or Interactors may want to be involved:
  • $27 individual racer early registration (before August 8)
  • $30 individual racer late registration (after August 8 and day of race)
  • $20 team registration (5 or more racers)
  • $15 children 18 and under
This August we have a lot going on with the Wine into Water Fundraiser, but some support we could consider for this Dash for Donation Annual Walk/Run could be:
  1. Make a sign with Rotary Club of Millcreek on it for the paviliion for the event at the park
  2. Help with a picnic at this event for our children and families who have had transplants. Interact and Rotaract could help plan activities and entertainment.

At any time of year, or during Donation Week, we could:
  1. Promote organ donation at Westminster and City Academy (Rotaract and Interact), at our own businesses and through our own associations. Pass our donate life pins, materials etc.  
  2. Have our business people put up a poster in their workplace promoting organ donation during Donate Life week.
  3. If anyone has a billboard connection, there is design material ready to go.

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